Thursday, August 13, 2009

Knowing is half the battle ...

Death of Procris (courtesy of

I've figured it out: who was calling me in my dream. It was you. Wasn't it? Knowing is half the battle, I hope. I am not sure what happens next, but I will remain quiet and just listen. My heart is open and finally ready to move forward ...

I'm not afraid anymore.

I dreamt of you again last night. This time, I could almost see your face and wonder at your name, and ... But when I awoke, I realized that I had just been dreaming and the sadness returned.

Then, today, when I was about to give up hope of ever reconnecting, I saw your art post. Your truth made me cry. I added a painting and response to my story. I would really like to reconnect with you, on whatever terms you name. As long as I've been away, I will understand if you take your time before making any decisions. Until then, I will wait patiently and perhaps see you in my dreams, from time to time.

Meanwhile ... I have bridges to repair and mend ...

I have hope once again, that is true. Hopefully, soon I will have peace ... lately, it eludes me.

My soul is weary ... I look to the night for repose.


Song: When the Angels Fall, Sting (courtesy of

Song: Mystics Dream, By Loreena McKennitt

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