Thursday, March 29, 2018

Does being an actual American citizen really even matter anymore???

I used to think an uninformed electorate was the greatest danger to our representative democracy. These days, however, I'm thinking that a misinformed electorate, in this age of fake news, false narratives and ideological absolutes is perhaps the greatest threat to our modern-day democracy.  That being said misrepresentation of citizens vs. non-citizen w.r.t. our elected officials may pose yet an even greater threat to our representative democracy. The inclusion of non-citizen in headcounts used to determine representation allotments in federal government, namely the number of Representatives apportioned for each individual state actually shifts the power wielding dynamics in the U.S. House of Representatives.  This is because the way our representative democracy works the States with more people have more representation in the U.S. Congress --there is equal apportionment in the U.S. Senate-- and hence a greater voice w.r.t. to determining voting outcomes.  It's actually kind of scary when you stop and think about it? This citizen misrepresentation --inclusion of non-citizens in census headcounts-- has the potential to transform our electorate in the long term. In the short term it provides a false representation of congressional districts, which in determines the way our representative officials (U.S. Representatives) are elected. Post-election this misrepresentation determines which issues are important to the citizens represented by a given congressional district. Left unchecked, the transformation afforded by the misrepresentation of actual citizens, both in terms of headcounts as well as illegally voting in our elections, could likely result in a profound and perhaps irreversible shift in the way America, as a country, is run.

I have to sincerely wonder:  in the absence of true representation in our government does being an actual American citizen even matter anymore??? I mean, think about the power a state like California wields in the U.S. House of Representatives when the determination of their representation (#of Representatives apportioned to them in the House) is based largely upon inflated numbers due to the counting of non-citizens.  This is absolutely why the U.S. Constitution calls for a census every 10 years.  It is also why the "citizenship question" was added to the census by our Founding Fathers back in the day.  Frankly, this feigned moral outrage at returning this centuries-old question to the census --after it was removed by the Obama Administration-- is completely ludicrous.  The Left is just ticked, I think, that someone is finally catching onto the many ways they've tried to rig the system in favor of their retention of power.  Perhaps the Left's response to this question also goes a long way toward explaining their stance on immigration and sanctuary cities as well? It's never really been about compassion for the immigrants; if it was then the Democrats would have come to the table in this most recent round of budget negotiations and worked with President Trump on his offer to legalize 1.8 million immigrants --way more than the actual 0.6 million DACA immigrants who have signed up for the program. The illusion of compassion is just a false front to cover up the heart of the matter which boils down to pure numbers and a retention of voting power the left needs to retain power, particularly in the U.S. House of Representatives?

If being a U.S. citizen is to matter anymore, then we have to un-rig the system and start restoring some accountability to the system.  The census "citizen question" is really the only way to have any accountability where determination of representation of citizens in their government is concerned.  Without true representation of citizens in their government our voice, our vote becomes watered down and the voice of "we the people" is no longer heard*.  You absolutely can live and thrive in America as a non-citizen, but you don't have the right to a voice in our federal government in the absence of citizenship.  That's why citizenship is sacred.  It's a contract between "we the people" and those we elect to represent us in our government, as provided by the framework of our U.S. Constitution.  Following this framework is not being cold or heartless, that's just what it takes to keep America strong and headed on the right path for our sovereign nation.  It's also why those living here who want to have a say in our government should embrace legal means available to them for obtaining their own path to citizenship. We will always welcome new and diverse members who want to use legal means to become an integral part of the American 'dream' and way of life.  That being said, in the absence of enforced borders, sensible immigration controls and immigrants who are vested in contributing to our nation: what is to stop the U.S. from eventually becoming like the countries so many are fleeing from?  Especially when some local governments, states and a handful of rogue justices think they can pick and choose which federal laws they will enforce vs. actively thwart.  Bottom-line, realistically speaking the system we currently have is simply not sustainable in the longer term, regardless of whether or not "this [particular] year's 'illegal immigration' numbers are down or not."  Do the math.

Much like our nation's debt, the time to act on sensible immigration reform (&enforcement) is NOW.  These two key issues alone have the power to bring America to her knees.  Sometimes, I cannot help but wonder if the Left is thinking:  if you destroy it, you can rebuild it [America] in your chosen image???

[*Of course, government will likely have to put someone in charge of following up on claims of citizenship in order to have 100% certainty as to the accuracy of the data supplied by individuals.]

Monday, March 26, 2018

Investment in "our future"?

The latest omnibus spending bill passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by a ham-strung President leaves my mind absolutely reeling?!  The signing of this Bill into law is the kind of moment when space and time --past, present and future-- collide to create lasting ripples in the ever-expanding universe.  I guess my initial optimism, when Congress succeeded in passing a 2-year budget authorization --something not done since 1996-- a few weeks back, was premature.  Don't get me wrong, I am overjoyed that our military men and women are getting a long overdue pay increase.  Also relieved to see that our decaying and antiquated military is now on a firm standing for a much need reconstruction and modernization expansion.  This new budget, with increased military spending, will go a long way towards strengthening our national security.  That being said, curbing a decline in our military might is only half of the national security equation.  Our nation's outrageous and growing national debt poses an equally dangerous threat to our nation's security.  This is why it is imperative that all unnecessary spending on pet/"pork" projects be zeroed-out in Congressional budgets moving forward [Carly Fiorina talked about this in the 2016 Republican Primary, the need to return to a zero-baseline budgeting to account for where each and every dollar of spending is going].  The time to get our fiscal house in order is long past overdue, and the "pork" spending tacked onto this most recent omnibus spending bill in the 11th hour truly sickens me.  I had hoped for a time that with Republicans in control of both the House and Senate that we would finally begin to reign back in unnecessary spending toward the end of getting a handle on our nation's ever-expanding debt. At the very least, I thought that never again would Republicans pass a massive bill without "knowing what's in it", but I guess the lessons learned from Obama-care were short-lived? Not to worry though, Congress gave themselves a pretty decent pay-raise?!?

Trump should have vetoed this spending debacle and then drug the lazy-inept Congress back to Washington D.C. to clean up their mess.  Surely, the military could have waited another week or two after waiting this long? But then, I forgot how terrible the Republicans are when it comes to playing "Chicken."  And what about those 'humanitarian' Democrats fighting for the rights of innocent children brought into the U.S. through no fault of their own? The Democrats dropped DACA recipients faster than a hot potato when the opportunity to advance their own political agenda --national insolvency-- came around.  DACA recipients and immigrants alike really need take a long hard look at the party that claims to support them.  Thankfully, I think people are finally starting to realize the Democratic party is just using them to get votes in an effort to maintain a stranglehold on power while throwing out crumbs every now again to keep their voting base in line.

Nancy Pelosi was quoted in a press briefing after the Omnibus Bill's passage as saying "This Bill is an important investment in our future."  When what this Bill actually does is saddle our future [our children] with an insurmountable legacy of debt, while pushing our nation ever closer to the edge of insolvency.

If I were President Trump I would call on Republicans in the U.S. Congress to publish a complete list on the "" website of all the "pork" contained within this monstrous bill, along with the name of the Congressman/woman responsible for the unnecessary addition to our national debt.  The only way to truly clean up "the swamp" is to restore accountability to government.  By publishing this list, "we the people" can see who to hold accountable for unnecessary expenditures and who to vote out of office in the next election cycle.

3/29/2018  Heard today that Congressman Ron DeSantos, of Florida, is working with other members of the House of Representatives to introduce legislation that would amend the U.S. Constitution to allow for a Presidential line-item veto.  This news troubled me at first, mostly because my mind wondered at all of the many opportunities for abuse in the scenario of a full blown line-item veto, but apparently this newly proposed amendment would only grant the President the power veto line-items pertaining to spending. That is to say that this line-item veto would allow the President to put an end to "pork" spending measures tacked onto a bill in the 11th hours, thereby helping to reign in unnecessary spending in an effort to begin getting a handle on our national debt.  Apparently the last attempt to introduce a line-item veto --in the 1990's By Newt Gingrich-- passed with a 2/3rds majority vote.  The problem was that this change was not put forth in the form of an actual amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but rather as a statutory power.  This is the reason the initial push for a line-item veto was not upheld by the Supreme Court.

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Living in a World Where Facts No Longer Matter???

Bi-fracated, meaning this is the world we presently find ourselves living in? Left vs. Right.  Black vs. White.  Men vs. Women.  Religion of faith vs. Religion of ideology.  A world of absolutes with little middle ground?  Like minded people only choosing to speak with like-minded people, in protective bubbles of isolation.  Wonder sometimes if we, as a society, have completely lost the ability to actually engage and debate one other with facts these days.  People no longer seem willing to talk with one another about the things that truly stand to have an impact on the world in which we live anymore.  We just talk at one another, past one another.  I had thought civil discourse was no longer possible in the divided state of America, but recent forums at the White House hosted by President Trump have given me hope that perhaps all is not lost?

Personally, I blame social media conditioning in large part for this bi-frication of America.  Social media is literally rewiring people's brains.  It's shortening our patience tendons and attention spans, such that we no longer have time for actual phone calls, meaningful face to face conversations or hand-written correspondence.  Social media consumes hours of our time as we mindlessly digest mostly useless information --kind of like the 'emotion' neutralizing pill in the move "Equilibrium", where modern-day social media tends to neutralize independent thought.  Social media fuels our desire to be heard and "Like[ed]", to BELONG.  Sadly, far too many of us are addicted to the dopamine hit of being heard, Liked, to the extent that the ability to listen seems rapidly on its way to becoming a lost art-form. 

Also have to think that perception is easier to sway --and hence people/populations are easier to influence and control-- in the on-line forum.  He who controls the content now controls the outcome? To live in a world where the facts no longer matter, where reality is malleable, fungible? Witness media outlets claiming to be purveyors of news, when the majority fail to cover major news stories that do not fit their ideological narrative and what they do cover is mostly opinion given under the guise of 'news'... I am left wondering when rational, logical, flesh and blood people are going to wake up, re-engage with hearts and minds and say enough already???? Especially where our children and their safety in our nation's schools is concerned.  At the end of the day passing new gun legislation won't guarantee our children will be safe.  Only hardening the soft targets of our schools will do this.  Have the gun legislation conversation, but in my opinion that is an entirely separate issue.  Focusing on the guns first takes the focus away from where it should be: 100% preventing another shooting from happening in the next 365 days.  Let's start by actually enforcing the laws we already have on the books and then hardening the soft targets of our children's schools. Then we can move on from here. Historically speaking, meaningful action seldom happens in like-minded bubbles of isolation. Meaningless --non-fact based mantras-- fueling an innate human need to belong, with little effort or thought being put into coloring outside some lines in order to find new solutions to real-world problems isn't going to fix what ails us as a nation and a society.  I challenge you to put down your mouse and engage in at least one meaningful, real-world conversation today.  Baby steps.  Maybe together we can change this world of ours for the better one 'un-click' at a time.  And when you do happen click, why not use your clicks to contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives with real-world concrete solutions that will help to move the discussion --on keeping our children safe in their schools-- forward into meaningful and timely action.

3/14/2018  Logic and reason prevailed today, as the U.S. House of Representatives was able to pass the "Stop School Violence Act" by a vote of 407 for the bill and 10 against.  This bill will immediately allow school districts across the nation to begin taking the steps necessary to harden the soft targets of our schools.  The bill had 75 member co-sponsors, demonstrating the broad support for taking immediate action, without the unnecessary delay of including gun legislation in this initial bill.  Congress will likely have the gun-control legislation debate, but it will thankfully be conducted as separate issue, thereby allowing for immediate meaningful action that will help to keep our students safe in their school environments.  Hoping the U.S. Senate will now follow suit in order to make this bill into law! Here are "Stop School Violence Act" bill details.