Saturday, February 13, 2021

Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark ....


The world these days has indeed gone completely mad, but thankfully there seem to be a handful of us left who are still sane and yet willing to speak out against the insanity presently swirling so violently around us … “Dissent, and in our new world order you will be crushed” so say the new imperial masters, many of whom were not elected or even appointed to governmental offices. Charles Bukowski was a masterful visionary and truthsayer "Some lose all mind and become soul, insane. Some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual. Some lose both and become accepted.”   Kind of sums up Shakespeare's "Hamlet" rather nicely?  Sadly, so many Americans seem to have heartlessly, mindlessly and willfully opted for the latter: being accepted. Wherein lies the HOPE for our nation?

Image Source Wikipedia

The Senate Impeachment trial is in its final death throws, dripping ripe with so much blatant hypocrisy that it is hard to watch this charade of ‘trial’ at all without outright choking on the ‘arguments’ being presented as ‘evidence’ --can you say reaching speculation, hearsay and grandstanding. The over-the- top performances by the left, appearing to be utterly distraught in the aftermath of protesters storming capitol are truly rich given the calls to violence from the left in months past, particularly leading up to the election. The left openly condoned violence in the streets of our major cities over the summer of 2020, media, politicians and elites alike. They cheered on the 'revolution' as cities burned, small businesses were destroyed and our fellow citizen were beaten and shot for defending their property.  Kamala Harris, her staffers and other Democratic government officials even contributed to organization whose sole purpose was to bailing violent leftist protesters out of jail and they urged others to do the same.  So excuse me if I simply cannot bring myself to consider the current state of 'moral outrage' of these same individuals to be anything but hypocritical in the present circumstance.  The concluding arguments of this farce of a ‘trial’ charge President Donald Trump with “insurrection for inciting violence” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th by “perpetuating a lie that there was fraud in the 2020 election.”

Well, despite the insanity and the hypocrisy presently setting the tone in our national discourse, EMPIRICAL FACTS still matter!  Just because we now live a world where the left outright controls the media –even FOX News, what used to be the last major counterpoint to the perpetuating lefts narratives of omission and mistruth -- and social media does not mean that there is actual TRUTH in the predominant narrative that “there was no fraud in the 2020 Election” and "thereby any who persist in this allegation are a threat to our democracy." What a total load of crap! Talk about threats to our democracy? I would rank a media that has acquiesced its inherent watch-dog function, now becoming the lapdog of the left, as one of the greatest threats facing our democratic republic at present.  Complicit media outlets can continue to echo this “no fraud in the 2020 Election” directive, endlessly from on high, while social-media giants work –having effectively removed any other platforms for discussion and information sharing-- to isolate, marginalize and outright beat down dissenters into submission with threats of shutting them down –which for many threatens livelihoods-- But this still doesn’t make their narrative TRUE

==>Unless and until there have been meaningful investigations into the widespread and wholly credible allegations of voter fraud and election interference in the 2020 Election by “peer party actors” (namely China’s CCP), the claim that there “was no fraud in the 2020 election” holds no merit.  For there is, in fact, a mountain of evidence to support claims of voter fraud and election interference in the 2020 Presidential Election (i.e., tens of thousands of sworn affidavits and actual data points/discrepancies, along with internet traffic logs from mutiple disputed States provided by renowned cyber-security experts).<== 

Of the 80 odd Election Irregularity cases that went into court, all but two were dismissed on technicalities such as “standing” and “procedure", such that NO EVIDENCE WAS EVER PRESENTED IN A SINGLE ONE OF THESE DISMISSED CASES!  Bottom-line the conveniently repeated mistruth that “there was no evidence to support fraud and interference in the 2020 Election” is BOGUS!  The left is using a semantic argument here in order to perpetuate their narrative.  JUST BECAUSE THE EVIDENCE WAS NOT HEARD DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE EVIDENCE DOES NOT EXIST!  In fact, the two cases where the filing has met the standing and procedural hurdles –which are largely often subjective-- the evidence is being presented and those two case are still ongoing as we speak.  In decades past our media would follow the evidence of election irregularities wherever they would lead, without foregone conclusion.  Sadly, this is no longer the case in our present day.  These days our media has coined the powerful bludgeoning Big-Brother term "disinformation", which they then expertly wield towards the end of  effectively shooting down  the dissemination of any and all information that runs counter to the accepted party narrative ["Disinformation" claims are merely stage one of the takeover.  Stage two of our nation's transformation will bear witness to the rise of "truth commissions", in complete antithesis of the founding principles of our nation].  In sum, the left’s claim that there was "no evidence to support fraud and interference in the 2020 Election” at its core remains wholly vacuous, masquerading as ‘truth’ while being readily accepted by the weak minded and easily led, the ill-informed and the deceitful among us.  Mark my words, this blind acceptance of massaged and managed 'truth' will have profound longer term consequences in the days to come. 

==>If there is no evidence, then please point us in the direction of the investigations that have definitively arrived at this conclusion. The lack of such definitive investigations points to the fact that "the enemy is [indeed] within.” ~Nancy Pelosi  ... As does deleted data from voting machine records, which State laws dictate must be held for 22 months post-election.<==

I would argue that in the absence of said meaningful investigation into 2020 Election Interference and Voter Fraud that it is our very members of the United States Congressional body who are in fact the insurrectionists.  As such, the President’s FREE SPEECH in expressing his concerns about interference in our 2020 Presidential Election IS protected under the 1st Amendment of our United States Constitution. Calling for peaceful protests to insist that credible allegations of fraud, election irregularities  and potential interference be credibly investigated –ideally what SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE BY THE U.S. CONGRESS BEFORE CERTIFYING SLATE OF ELECTORS FOR THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!!-- before seating the next legitimate President of the United States is an action in defense of our democratic republic, not an act against it as the perpetrators of this impeachment charade would have us believe.  

Much like the conspirators in Master Shakespeare's famous play “Hamlet”, these would-be voices of “We the People” “doth protest too much.” Why? I wholeheartedly believe the swooning portrayals of Democratic Congresspersons as ‘patriotic’ and ‘concerned citizens’, doing their elective duty in their staged performance is little more than a concerted effort to take the focus off of what is really going on: our nation is being stolen and this impeachment trial is just the grand masquerade to cover up the yet to be fully investigated election theft.  This second impeachment attempt against President Donald J. Trump is merely an act --enabled by a left-wing staged staged attack on the U.S. Capitol-- designed to lend an air of ‘righteous legitimacy’ to the left's illegitimate reign by putting a political stake into the heart of their rather capable and wholly successful –on behalf of “We the People”-- rival. This impeachment trial and the events leading precipitously up to it are all rather ironic when you stop to actually pull upon the key threads of evidence and discover that it was in fact the left who planned and orchestrated the January 6th attack on our nation’s capitol (see my article below "We Have all of us Been Deceived"). It was left who had the FBI and local law enforcement NOT act decisively in providing additional security forces towards the end of effectively thwarting off what intelligence suggested was an imminent attack. It was the left who told capital police not only to stand down in key locations, but there is video evidence of capitol police removing barriers to allow anti-fa leaders to usher bewildered Trump protesters  forward into the nation's capitol. That should send chills down the spine of every true-blooded, awakened and patriotic American citizen! 

We have all been deceived! All the while, China –the benefactor of our American coup is licking their lips and laughing their asses off … “let the dismantling of America begin.” And here we have all been led to believe, for years now, that "Russia was/is the biggest threat to our American way of life"? The enemy of my enemy should be my friend??? If you honestly want to see for yourself the veritable mountain of evidence that lends credence to widespread allegations of voter fraud and election interference in the 2020 Election, I strongly suggest you watch "Absolute Proof" and its subsequent discussion video, now available on  You owe it to yourself and to the future of our nation to hear both sides of the story BEFORE making up your mind on this crucial matter. The TRUTH, if we actually hear it, will set us FREE!

Saturday, February 06, 2021

A Karmic Storm of EPIC Proportions Has Been Unleashed ....

The fact that Representative Eric Swalwell (CA 15th District) STILL holds his seat on the United States House of Representatives Intelligence Committee (!!! We're talking access to State Secrets HERE==Huge National Security RISK!!!), when there is  a rather substantial body of credible evidence suggesting he had (still has???)  an ongoing relationship with a well-known Chinese spy, pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the current state of our government (i.e., it's pretty blanked-up!).

From the inept, off-target U.S. Congress [people are hurting in these times of pandemic isolation, uncertainty and economic downturn and what does Congress prioritize?  Unconstitutional Impeachment of a no longer sitting United States President.  I mean when the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court refuses to preside over this farce of a trial --which is kind of constitutionally required!-- that pretty much tells you just how far off the mark Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer actually are] with its malfeasant leadership, on up to a wildly contradictory --huge descrepancy between their words and actions-- White House and everything in between (i.e., our 'intelligence' community ... which would appear to be utterly useless,or just plain uninterested, when it comes to actually pursuing evidence and prosecutions of any and all pledging their undying allegiance to the political ideology and agenda of the left), it is now glaringly obvious that OUR GOVERNMENT NO LONGER SERVES THE INTERESTS OF "We the People."  Rather, our government, as of January 21st, now seems hell-bent on pursuing an agenda with the top priority now being to outright STICK-IT to "We the People."  I mean, how can you honestly be for "creating jobs" when you kill thousands of good paying, sustainable Energy jobs in your first week in office, with a mere thoughtless --if not outright cruel and destructive-- stroke of the Executive pen?  How can you claim to be the "responsible administration that will prioritize fighting the China-pandemic" when you open up our nation's southern border to any and all illegal immigrants who happen to come this way?  Testing only goes so far when you're only hit or miss screening those with obvious symptoms.  Can't the bleeding liberal hearts just FOR ONCE prioritize American lives by genuinely focusing on fighting off Covid-19 during this time of pandemic, instead of prioritizing impeachment of a President who IS NO LONGER IN OFFICE -- the sole purpose of the Senate trial is supposed to remove a sitting President from office -- while throwing open the doors on our southern border??!!!???  Sorry, but at the end of the day ACTIONS SPEAK VOLUMES LOUDER than  mere repetative rhetoric, in the form of sanctioned sound-bites which are then promulgated by a complicit agenda-driven media and big tech.  You all may get away these egregious offenses in the short-term, but a karmic storm has been unleashed and when it comes back around you will be swallowed whole.  "What you steal today must be repaid ten-fold in the days to come .....", so say the universal forces.

And in case anyone else is scratching their head wondering about the many sudden 180-degree policy position shifts of certain key figures (e.g. AG Bill Barr, Senator Mitch McConnel and maybe even VP Mike Pence), let me just remind you about about the wildly invasive information gathering campaign unleased by the former Obama Administration:  "Dark Star" data storage facility, housed in the State of Utah.  If you cannot persuade people on the merits of your agenda, then you blackmail them?

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Who Actually Put American Lives at RISK???

News Flash:  The American Journal of Medicine publishes a new article on the "efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine in the fight against Covid-19."  This after months of the lame-stream media telling us, outright lecturing us, that President Trump and any who praised the effectiveness of this drug against the China-virus were being wholly irresponsible and outright putting American lives at risk.  Everyone from 'Morning Blow (Jo)', to the illustrious Rachel Madow, even Neil Cauvuto on Fox News was out on a percieved righteous crusade to "save American lives" and now --big surprise-- it turns out these self-perceived righteous fools were 100% off the mark and flat-out WRONG!! By putting the fear of God into Americans about the inaccurate risks of taking Hydroxychloroquine, many Americans who became ill with Covid-19 likely did not take this medication out of fear or were not prescribed it for similar perceived reasons, thereby costing the very lives the mis-information media were claiming to be saving. But that's journalism in a nut-shell these days.  Journalism is no longer about dissemenating truth, it has now become the warping of truth into perception narratives towards the end of benefiting the political agenda of the left, while outright destroying those in opposition on the right of center .. even if the cost of doing so winds up being the very American lives that these same fools were pontificating about trying to save.  You just have to shake your head and laugh to keep from crying these days?!!?  We have moved well beyond living in "interesting times" --an ancient Chinese curse; we are now living in flat-out CRAZY times!  "Hypocrisy is [indeed] the homage that vice pays to virture."

May God help and protect us moving forward!  And by the way, why would any sane, rational person EVER trust a single thing mainstream has to say after this egregious behavior???

Friday, January 29, 2021

In the Absence of Logic, Empirical Facts and All Reason ....

The Battle lines are being drawn ....

I have been thinking a lot the new administrations take on U.S. Energy Independence.  The fact that the person currently sitting in the White House can with a stroke of pen kill an entire energy project that has been in work for years now, with contracts, capital expenditures and even an agreement with another country --Biden did not even grant Canda's PM the corteousy of phone call before knixing this joint energy venture-- in the absence of any binding law is beyond concerning.  I have to think there are legal recourses here, for time and money having been spent in good faith towards the intended completion of this project.  If I were these companies, even the States involved in the Keystone XL Pipeline, I would sue the U.S. Government for 'breech of contract'.  Make them go into court to defend their supposed rationale for canceling this project.  Make the Biden administration actually provide legitimate environmental studies that reasonably support their position.  Because just outright canceling our United States Energy Independence on a mere whim, in order to satisfy the base that supposedly got Biden elected into office is unacceptable!  Moreover, in keeping with the Biden administration's extreme focus on "equity", particularly with respect to aspects of climate change.  Cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline just instantly cut-off a valuable source of $$equity/income$$ for Native Americans whose lands the pipeline would cross.  Although, I have heard that Native American American tribes are divided over econmic revenue source vs. impacts to the environment.  To that I would say that studies have shown the pipeline to be less likely to induce environmental harm over other methods of transport, like trucking and trains which are far more prone to risk of oil spills.

Just because our government is now beyond blanked-up, in the aftermath of a highly questionable election, doesn't mean we have to just sit back and take it!!! The time has come to stand up to the 'Green Energy' radical, non-evidential, unsubstantianted, fanatical, cult-like lunacy of 'policy' and agenda! Good paying jobs, regional economics, energy independence, amicable ties with Canada and even our national security is at risk with Biden's cancelation of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  The left has created a rather convenient monster of a crisis with their 'Climate Change' in the absence of any hardcore, time-line science based fact (i.e., unmassaged evidential and empirical data) demonstrating that man's --and oddly enough the United States above all--  impact on the Earth's atmosphere (Co2 emissions) ALONE will bring about our untimely demise within a matter of mere decade(s).  Why because people living in fear of immenent doom are probably easier to control.  How convenient that the left alone can provide the solutions to this 'impending doom'  with their 'Green Energy' policy agenda, much to the financial benefit of their supporters (i.e., U.S. elitist and global elitist donors and China (CCP)).  Funny how NONE of the left's climate alarmist prophetic warnings have yet to materialize.  You will recall that our coastal regions should be 22 feet underwater by now according to predictions from the 80-90's by Al Gore and the like? Yet, somehow the 'climate change' behemoth is still rolling right along? No questions asked? The scientific data doesn't actually support claims that our weather is getting more severe, despite unsubstantiated claims to the contrary (i.e., one or two, even three bad storms in isolation does not a definitive trend make).  And as for forest fires on the West coast being extremely bad this past year in particular, the bulk of this is caused by a combination of water-diversion and forest mismanagement, conveniently lumped into the broad category of the ever useful catch-phrase 'climate change." The cult-like following of 'climate change' is opportunistic, praying upon the feel-good but ill-informed followers among us and quite frankly it is pure madness! Someone will indeed benefit significantly from 'Green Energy', namely the global elites, China, Russia and the Middle East, but mark my words it will be at the great expense of the United States and for the time being Canada.  For these reasons, the time has come for all good men and women to stand up NOW and FIGHT for sanity and reason  in the face of an unweildly takeover at the expense of our nation and its citizens.  Where we can fight with lawsuits, Governers of States impacted working together and calls for U.S. Congressional hearings to investigate the legality and feasibility of Biden's Executive Order outright cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline.  This is just the first battle of many to come and we urgently need to set the tone for what is yet to come.  No more status quo -- that is do absolutely NOTHING MEANINGFUL, with a disunified voice and a drawn-out timeline that produces the net result of a BIG FAT ZERO!  Timely and decisive action is of the utmost importance!!!

You know what the ulitmately IRONY would be?  Canada winds up selling their oil to China who then sells it back the United States with an $$ exorbatant $$ mark-up.

2/1/2021 I was actually listening to a climate scientist speak the other day and he pointed out the positive aspects of a slightly warming planet (due to an increase in Co2 emissions), something no one ever dares to speak about.  Our planet is now thriving in terms of vegetation, increasing the harvest from life-sustaining crops rather dramatically,  thereby allowing us to feed more people than ever on this rapidly spinning Blue Planet.  So we have not yet progressed to the point where "We the (lesser) People" need to resort "to eating weeds" -- recent recommendation coming out the most recent econmic summit of globalist elites, I kid you NOT.  Fewer people are dying due to exposure to cold temperatures as well.  Despite onging dire predictions arctic ice is not melting at a breakneck speed.  In fact, the arctic ice has actually increased in recent years.  The latter being said, I do have concerns about our oceans and the health of oceans' reef systems in particular, but the majority of scientific shows I have watched in this regard lately seem to attribute over-fishing as the main culprit in the decline of reef systems.  Apparently the presence of large predators, namely sharks, has a direct correlation to maintaining the health of ocean reef communities.  But speaking on maintianing healthy environments and ecosystems, killing the Keystone XL Pipeline actually means that we will now employ far less safe mechanism for transporting oil into the U.S., namely by truck and train.  Both of the latter mechanisms for oil transport will greatly increase the opportunity for oil spills, thereby increasing threat of contamination to the environment and endangering wildlife.  How is that not an immediate threat to the environment???

Sunday, January 24, 2021

A BIG "Thank You" to All Americans Who "Voted to Reject the Status Quo"!

The other half of the country (a.k.a. our modern-day left-leaning 'American Brain-Trust ', those who supposedly succeeded in putting good ol' Joe into office) have willingly surrendered their minds to left's 24/7-every aspect of life "Battle for the Mind".  Like compliant sheep, with ridiculously pliable minds they eagerly wait to devour the next little easily digestible nuggets of 'truth' being dissemenated by the propagandist media and big tech.  Where these little 'truth' nuggets  share the common characteristics of being easy to remember and recite. For example, “Green Energy == Save the Planet”, because who would ever be against saving the planet?  Honestly, who wants to be labeled as being against saving the planet, right? Alas the Devil lies in the details. But sadly, and perhaps rather conveniently, modern-day Americans lack the attention span and the inclination to pursue any of the truly illuminating details behind these rather convenient 'truths."  Instead of pursuing details and facts, Americans all too eagerly --lazily-- just check the ‘feel-good’ box (of belonging) and then they move right along onto the next bright-shiny object. No matter that rejoining the “Paris Climate Accord” will not even bother to lower the temperature of rapidly spinning Blue Planet Earth by even ONE FULL DEGREE Celsius. Why? Because the “Paris Climate Accord” fails to go after the REALLY BIG POLLUTERS, namely China, India and Russia, in any timely or truly carbon emissions-reducing way.  If you really care about saving the planet, then you actually need to go after China, India and Russia for their massivie contributions to polluting the Earth's atmosphere!!!  Do that and then get back to me about honest efforts to save the planet.

America has already made HUGE strides in lowering our country’s emissions, especially over the course of the last decade. Jeopardizing our U.S. economy --and our thereby our national security-- in pursuit of further emissions reductions, while the BIG POLLUTERS do absolutely nothing to ‘change their evil ways’ accomplishes nothing meaningful. Unless of course, your end objective is not really “saving planet” after all. If your end-objective is rather to wreck the U.S. economy and redistribute wealth by having the U.S.A. pay $$MILLIONS$$ of dollars into the accord slush-fund to be redistributed to other nations, with the bonus side-benefits of: 1) significantly raising U.S. energy costs --including gasoline, $6.00 - $7.00++ for a gallon of gas here we come!-- for millions of everyday Americans; 2) limiting choices (e.g., from what cars you can drive, to how you will heat your homes, cook and power appliances, to what light bulbs you can use); 3) driving American businesses out of the country --to other countries, where the cost of doing business is far more affordable and regulation also tend to much laxer==losing millions of American well-paying jobs once again: Thanks JOE!!; 4) nation-wide rolling blackouts==except in elitist communities which will get power priority-- as green-energy fails miserably to deliver on the larger-scale needed to make the green-energy switch.  Why?  Because the Science necessary to make ‘green-energy’ large scale feasible just isn’t there yet!. Bottom-line, ‘green-energy’ isn’t really about saving the planet. ‘Green-energy’ is just the vehicle for enabling control in order to usher in a new-world elitist global order and us poor schmucks are just along for the bumpy ride. And Green-energy is just the tip of 'change iceberg'. In the words of the Senate Minority Leader just prior to Georgia Senate run-off races “We win the Senate, then we change the world [opps! (fumbles awkwardly to put mask back on) I let the cat out the bag too soon] … We change America!”~Chuck Schummer

The pliably-minded on the Left ....

Buckle up, it’s gonna be a long and perilously bumpy ride … And they were all of them so easily deceived???
1/27/21  Heard two days back that Biden declared via Executive Order that moving forward all U.S. government vehicles would be electric.  And wouldn't you know it, but Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and husband invested heavily in Tesla stock two-three months back.  Their net gain after Biden's announcement regarding a new fleet of electric government vehicles?  Upwards of $600,000!  Ah, but there's nothing to see here, right?  The left is at least consistent on one front:  HYPOCRISY!

Also heard on talk radio today that the windmills and solar panels that will supposedly replace energy derived from the canceled Keystone Pipeline are made almost exculsively over in China, both the structures and now the control chips as well --thanks to intellectual property theft on the part of China.  So killing the Keystone Pipeline won't replace oil jobs with Green Energy jobs because that market is controlled by China.  New guaranteed revenue and jobs for China!  Way to go, Biden (NOT!!!!!!)!!!  Moreover, the cost to manufacture these energy creating devices vs. amount of energy revenue they generate over their service life --including the cost to decomission them at the end of service life ... $50,000 per windmill-- winds up being a net loss.  This means these particular green energy devices wind up operating at a net loss, which must be subsidised by our U.S. Government or the businesses implementing these 'greeen energy' alternatives would go bankrupt! $$$... So now not only are we eliminating really good paying American jobs and we're racking up more national debt paving the way for national insolvency.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Beacon of Hope and Light is About to be Extinguished ....

I heard on news today that just this past Tuesday three USB sticks with voter data tallies from three countines (dominant Republican) were never officially uploaded into the Georgia State's final election count totals.  The GA election results were nonetheless certified and accepted into the Electoral College on January 6th.  Unbelievable?  Not really, this is the just latest evidence of election irregularaties (i.e., fraud!) that were perpetrated against the free-will of "We the People" in the historically unprecendented 2020 Presidential Election.  But hey, not to worry we are now living in a world where the actual facts no longer matter --until they do matter ... witness mainstream media's pre-election absolute denial as to the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop (in FBI's posession), bearing evidence of ties to China, Ukraine and Russia via substantial amounts of bribery money and now that the Biden Trojan Horse has proved effective, they want him out of the way so they are now covering the story as legitimate fact.  Truth has now become what the propagandist media and big tech says it is:  End of Story!  And you who continue to pursue alternate courses of inquiry, you will be outright destroyed (e.g., shutdowning down the Twitter and Facebook accounts of SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (?!!!!!) and deplatforming of  Does any of this type of behavior sound in anyway supportive of the beliefs and ideals upon which our once great nation was founded??? Answer:  NO!!!!!  All of this should scare the HELL out citizens who truly love our nation!!!!!!

Mark my words: January 6th, 2021 will go down as the sadest day in our nation's history, bar none.  Why? Because moving forward we are no longer the land of the FREE and home of the Brave, rather we have become the land of the weak-minded, easily led and  compliant.  It absolutely boggles my mind that our process for determining the leader of our nation was short-circuited by partisan bias and self-preservationism.  For a nation of laws and a Constitutional process, aided by two centuries of precedent, it truly amazes how seldom these laws and precedents are actually brought to bear in any truly meaningful way?!?!  No one ever seems to be held accountable for their actions against our country.  Either investigations are never conducted at all (Biden family ties to China, Russia and Ukraine), they are conducted in the absence of any credible supporting evdience (4 YEARS of Trump Russia Collusion narrative) or wrong doing is simply dismissed on mere technicalities (e.g., "standing" in Texas led lawsuit against contested States vote certifications).   It shouldn't matter whether you are Republican or Democrat, if fraud occurred in our most recent Presidential election, then you have an obligation to insist that we get to the bottom of it: period!  For only then will we as a nation ever have a legitimate and duly elected President of the United States.  Even if your guy won, you should want all allegations of fraud to be fully investigated before certifying the election results.  That's your job!  You represent us, "We the People", and you have a sacred duty to ensure FREE and FAIR elections are conducted, particularly Presidential ones.  And I've got news for you members of the 117th U.S. Congress, you have failed miserably in this respect!!!!  The only true pathway for ensuring the duly elected 46th President of the United States was to follow the precedent set in 1876 Presidential Election, as was  introduced, outlined and motioned for by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, on the floor of the U.S. Senate on January 6th 2021. Senator Cruz's motion called for a 10-day panel to be convended, consisting of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats to investigate credible (i.e., backed up by evidential data and sworn affidavits) allegations of fraud in the six/seven contested States, before accepting the slates of Electors from these States into the Electoral College. But sadly, Senator Cruz's motion was dismissed.  Vice President Pence had the authority to call for this panel, but he didn't.  How shameful and what an utter dereliction of duty!  Of all members of our U.S. Congress I am most disappointed in you, Vice President Mike Pence.  I hold YOU accountable, above all,  for the precarious position in which our nation presently finds itself.

Certifying the FREE and FAIR election of our President of the United States is always of the upmost importance, but it is especially consequential this 2021 Presidential Election.  Why because, the course of our nation is about to radically altered on a level never before imagined, in the interest of serving the few (the elite, globalist class) at the expense of the many ("We the People").  The damage inflicted by this change will be catastrophic!  And this damage has already begun.  On day #1 Biden began undoing American Energy Independence, by cancelling the Keystone Pipeline.  With the mere stroke of a pen, Biden instantly killed tens of thousand of high paying, long-term jobs, killing the livelihoods of families, removing local revenuses and reducing our indpendence from wholly compromised foreign sources for oil (i.e., processes used by other countries are not as clean/safe and spending U.S. Dollars on foreign oil has national security consequences in the longer term).  Sadly, Biden's Keystone Pipeline pen-stroke is this is just the beginning.  Wait and see how the far-reaching the consequences of open borders and pro-illegal immigration will be. Biden's debate promise of "A long, dark winter ..." is indeed coming to its fruition ....

Everyone seems to betalking about this "only being for four years" and then the "Republicans will be back", or maybe "Republicans will even regain the U.S. House of Representatives or the Senate in the mid-terms", but how niave is that way of thinking???!!!!??? If you deny that there was extensive and widespread fraud in our 2020 Presidential Election --despite the tangible mountain of evidence to the contrary!!!-- and then you do absolutely nothing to meaningfully investigate and rectify these opportunites for injecting fraud into the system, then how could you possibly, rationally think that anyone other than a Democrat will ever win any election --elections that truly matter-- moving forward?!!  That way of thinking is just beyond naivete: it's downright ignorant, not to mention dangerous!  Yes, elections have consequences and we will be living with the fraudulent outcome of this election for decades, if not centuries to come.  And as far as I am concerned, the inept, non-foward thinking Republican Party no longer serves the interests of "We The People."  The Republican Party needs to be abandoned and replaced! (See my article on the need for a viable and strongly effective Third Party a few days back).  The Democratic Party has not effectively or faithfully served its people since the days of President John F. Kennedy.  Since that time, the party has morphed and strayed continuosly from our core American values, sowing seeds of hate and division towards the end of dividing and conquering our nation in order to regain absolute power:  mission accomplished!

In light of the profound failure on the part of our elected U.S. representatives, most especially VP Mike Pence, in fulfulling their obligation to investigate substantial allegations of election fraud prior to certifying the slates of Electors from constested States, I hereby refuse to accept that Joe Biden --or his soon to be successor ... 47th??-- is the duly elected 46th President of our Nation.  I will never refer to Joe Biden with the title of "President", moving forward. I am a realist, however, and I will concede that it would appear as if all options for changing the certification of the Electoral College seem to have passed --short of "We the People" outright suing our U.S. Congress for a gross dereliction of duty. As such, I will mourn in private and try to continue on with my daily life, while earnestly praying for our nation in the midst of an overwhelming darkness that seems to be set to invetibly take over our nation. This 2020 Election is not just another typical 4-year election.  The outcome of this election will forever transform a nation, and not for the better.  The American beacon of Hope and Light is about to be extinguished, but you were warned.  Perhaps in the absence of any meaningful action towards the end of staving off this takeover, this is what we truly deserve????

And as to the CCP's statement "that kinder angels will now prevail", I will remind you that Lucifer, Satan, is noted in the Bible to be the "Angel of Light" and the Great Deciever.  So perhaps in that respect we are in agreement.  When the Angels Fall .....

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

. . .

                                                     Image Source:  Kimberly Powell          

Peace:  the enemy of memory ....

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Do NOT Hold Senate Impeachment Trial!

Ineffective ' Leadership '

Dear Senator Mitch McConnel and Republicans In our U.S. Congress,

If you move and vote to hold the symbollic impeachment trial of our President, Donald J. Trump, in the U.S. Senate, "We the People" will absolutely be done with you!  We are tired of your short-sightedness, your ineffectiveness, your self-serving swampy weakness in the face of hardship and your complete failure to standup for the things your party is supposed to believe in.  Inpendents and conservatives alike will take our allegiance to a new and long overdue strong and effective third party.  You have been warned! #ShameOnYOU!  #Disloyal


WhatPlanetAreYouLivingOn  ~M

An Independent, conservative-leaning concerned U.S. Citizen

[Sorry for typos!  Headaches are better these days, just a lot of hours w.r.t. school and on my way out the door. ]

Monday, January 18, 2021

U.S. Policy Changes Will Have Far-reaching Consequences ...

Something to think about as a new administration looms inevitably, forbodingly in our rather immediate future:  Policies have far-reaching consequences!  Unfortunately for the left, change does not occur in a vacuum.

Issue #1)  Open Borders and Illegal Immigration: Open borders and government sanctioned illegal immigration, with promises of education, housing and medical benefits, not to mention jobs being taken means that the promises made by Democrats to the Black community will remain, yet again empty promises as the needs of Black voices take a back seat to the left's agenda of bringing in millions of new Democratic voters.  Moreover, these leftist policies signal to the rest of the world that it's now open-season on America and they will come swarming in droves to our borders! Now, I personally have no issue with helping those less fortunate, just look at the billions of dollars the United States puts out each year for foreign aide assistance -- I'll try to get some numbers here shortly.  America DOES a lot of good around the world, but this good should not be done at the expense of the well-being of our nation, namely letting millions of undocumented individuals into our nation without propper vetting and procedure. I am all for legal immigration, but we have to have a process that can reasonably handle the influx, while ensuring the well-being and safety of our nation.  That is to say we need to weed out gang members, violent criminals and human traffickers, and quite frankly you just cannot do that with an open borders policy.  It also upsets me that we have so many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of homeless citizens living on our own streets.  Do we not have an obligation to help these people, our own U.S. citizens, before flinging the doors wide open for other non-citizens to strain our system even further?  Especially, when so many of these homeless individuals are former veterans of our U.S. Military who may suffer from PTSD and/or have fallen on hard times with respect to reaclimating to civilian life.  Haven't you heard the saying, "God helps them who help themselves?"  My middle daughter summed up Federal taxes rather succintly,  "I have no problem with the government taking my money toward the end of helping others.  That being said, if they take my money and I still see people living on the streets, homeless and struggling:  I am going to be really pissed!" ... Physician heal thyself???

Issue #2)  Middle East Terrorism and a Nuclear Iran:  If the Biden administration moves to effectively put an end to hard-won U.S. Energy Independence under the guise of the "Green New Deal" and ' 'saving the planet' ' --which WILL happen when the Biden administration blindly rejoins the  wholly ineffective "Paris Climate Accord"-- we will be put into the position of using our $$money$$ to buy energy/gasoline from foreign entities, namely the  Middle East and China.  This in turn gives money to Middle East which will inevitably be used toward the end of reinvigorating funding for terrorist activites and we will likely see a rise in terrorism and a return of the heretofore nearly extinct ISIS.  Moreover, putting an end to buying Middle Eastern oil has really put the squeeze on the Iranian government which is now struggling to provide even basic necessities for its increasingly restless population.  In their present positon, the Iranian government is now in THE IDEAL SITUATION for having to re-negotiate when it comes to their ambitions of developing nuclear weapons.  A return to the Obama administration's ' 'nuclear deal' ' would flat-out be a win-win, 'Hail-Mary' for Iran, but not so much for the U.S. and Western interests.  As for China, well they are pure evil and sending them additional funding on any level will have dire longer term consequences as China seeks to become THE premiere global power, on all fronts, within the next five years.  So watch closely when it comes to Biden's plans for renegotiating trade deals with CCP and removing intellectual property constraints on China.  Remember, Joe Biden and family are all but bought, sold and paid for by China as evidenced by the pre-election squashed story on Hunter Biden and his laptop of evdience, which are only now coming to light but are thankfully (???) being formally investigated nonetheless.

Bottom-line, be careful what you wish for and dare to actually ponder the longer term consequences of seeminly distinct policy positions.  Life doesn't operate within a vacuum, but then people who actually own their minds already realize this.  What about you, have you taken the effort yet to actually own your own mind? Or are you still pliably weak-minded, eager to swallow the latest load of ideological rhetoric being shoveled your way by the mainstream media and big tech????

God help our nation, we are teetering upon the edge of a very dangerous cliff ....

Keeping the DREAM Alive???

Our nation will not know true UNITY until, men and women are "Judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their [universal] character," ~Dr. Maritn Luther King

during the March on Washington. AFP | Getty Images 1963.

These are wise words spoken by the truly visionary leader we honor today, Dr. Martin Luther King, in his famous "I have a Dream Speech" at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963.  But we should take care to make a clear distinction between the new norm for 'character' in our nation, which has rather perilously warped into a blind acquiessance to the left's ideological norms.  This notion of character runs completely counter to the very concept of universal character which transcends manmade malleable notions of right and wrong, just and unjust, applying equally to ALL regardless of the skin into which someone was born, the form of religion they choose to worship with or the politics they may subscribe to.  The latter are divisions created by the limited perceptions of men.  I believe Dr. King in his speech was referring to this universal character that unites all mankind, in service of  a higher purpose than the mere whims of a manmade order created by fallible --and often ambitious-- men. 

May the underlying message of truth and unity inspired by the words of the great Dr. King work to permeate every fiber of our nation's being during these tumultuous times, that we as a nation may somehow find our way back to the universal character that should unite us all on this rapidly spinning Blue Planet!

In order to even begin grasping the concept of universal character, one must first take ownership of their independent thought processes ... Own Your MIND!

Friday, January 15, 2021

The TRUTH Shall Be Buried in the Deepest, Darkest Hole .....

Given the government declassified documents being released today, documents clearly showing former President Obama colluded with then CIA Director, James Brennan (and other senior officials) to spy on the Trump campaign:  Do "We the People" honestly think that these same people --aided by their powerful donor elite class (e.g., George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Joke Dorsey)-- wouldn't conspire to steal an election towards the end of regaining power?  What a terrible precendent these Democrats have set.  Spy on your political opposition --using government resources no less-- then set them up using a phony dossier funded by the other candidate (Hillary R. Clinton and the DNC).  The latter sets the stage for false false allegations of ongoing, relentless Russia collusion to dog the incumbent's administration, casting doubt upon the legitimacy of his Presidency.  Bonus, with people granting you control of the House you can drag out allegations of misconduct over the full four year term he's in office, culminating in not one unfounded impeachment but two!  The last impeachment being a ridiculous drive-by circus, concluding in a record-breaking 7 hours?!?  We should check members of the U.S. House of Representatives for whiplash???

The above behavior runs completely contrary to the notion of sacred trust "We the People" place in the hands of our elected officials.  Our government was never designed to work this way, as a shadow government, and yet these very same people from Obama adminstration responsible for these egregious acts will be back in power once again, this time under the guise of the upcoming puppet-Biden administration. Why? Because they have yet to be held accountable for their actions.  Given the nefarious and unscrupulous deeds they've gotten away with thus far --aided largely by BIG Tech censorship and a blantantly propagandist media bias-- why wouldn't they scheme and conspire to outright fix and steal the Presidential Election.  Honestly, there's absolutely downside for them from where they are sitting.  And once good old Joe Biden is formally sworn into office, symbollically retaking the reigns of power back for the left,  do you think they will ever willingly cede their power ever again??? Fat chance!  Let the deck-stacking, rigging machinations continue, ramping up to an unprecedented level.  To quote Chucky Schummer "First we take the Senate, then transform America!" (i.e., 1) Court-packing; 2) legalizing millions of illegeal immigrants with healthcare, education, food and housing benefits which rather conveniently exponentially UPs the number of people voting Democrat, but that's the whole point:  it's never truly been about the people, just the votes and the power.  How sad!; 3) bringing America into line with the new-world globalist order w.r.t. trade deals, cancelling Energy Independence, pushing open borders and transforming --debilatating-- our military; 4) Control of "We the People" through supression of free speech and independent thought, 'Green New Deal' and socialized medicine for all).

How can this 'transition of power' actually be happening, in America? Our system of checks and balances has failed us miserably in this 2020 Presidential Election cycle, largely because the men and women we have elected to represent us are no longer serving with our best interests at heart.  They are playing along with the left's plan to supress invidual freedom of thought and speech in seeking truth, while completely ignoring our U.S. Constitutional process and precedent as set in the Presidential Election of 1876 --when a Congressional committee was appointed to investigate and resolve allegations of fraud in individual states.  Our Congressional women and men are presently in the transition stage of looking out for their own self-interest, instead of conducting a meaningful investigation into substantial allegations of voter fraud --there is hard evidence, this is not some conspiracy theory like the Democrat's 'Russia collulsion'. Democrats have once again managed to effectively change the narrative from "ensuring a free and fair election" to "impeaching a President in his final days of office" for a crime he did not commit, in the adsence of any credible evidence and meaningful deliberation thereof.  "Look over here spineless, feckless Republicans (specifically those Republicans who voted to impeach their President:  rep. Liz Cheney, rep. Tom Rice, rep. Dan Newhouse, rep. Adam Kinzinger, rep. Anthony Gonzales, rep. Jamie Beutler, rep. Peter Meijer, rep. John Katko, rep. David Valadao) we have new bright and shiny object for you to chase ....".  Can you say "self-preservation" on steroids???


Farewell to TRUTH in America ....

What should have happened on January 6th, is that the Vice President, Mike Pence, should have --in the absence of credible investigations conducted by means of special sessions in each of the legisltatures in the six contested States into mounting evidence of voter fraud* special -- appointed a commission of U.S. Senators and Represatives from both political parties to conduct the ten day instigation into substantial allegations of voter fraud, as requested by Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas, during the Electoral College certification process.

[Allegations of 2020 Presidential Election fraud including but not limited to:  hundreds of thousand of sworn affidavits, IT analysis showing odd spikes in vote procesing in early hours of the morning post-election, proof voting machines were in fact connected to the internet and even video evidence of poll workers adding pre-filled fraudulent ballots into the system during a supposed water mainbreak when counting was to have been shutdown, a truck full of dozens of bins of completed PA ballots being driven from New York across state lines in PA and then mysteriously disappearing, evidence of votes flipped from Trump to Biden, ballots being counted 2x, more people voting than were registered and egregious error rates on voting machines well beyond the allowable 0.8% error rate.  That's just the BIG stuff, we also had the usual dead voters, felon voters, under-age voters, people voting twice (e.g., in two different states) and bonus in this election we had mail-in ballots stolen and filled out for Biden so that when people went to the polls to vote in-person they were told they could not because "they had already voted."  How crazy sad and downright scary is that??!?? ] 

Senator Ted Cruz rightfully proposed a commission on January 6th in order to complete a 10-day investigation, as was conducted in 1876 --with precedent!!!-- before certifying the electors in the six contested states, but this call was completely ignored by the Vice President and the majority Democrat-controlled Congress.  Well,  I've got news for you Democrats, just because your guy won, doesn't mean you don't have an obligation to ascertain that there was not widespread fraud in the election, because our entire system of government is predicated upon FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS. This investigation is the justice, the recourse that "We the People" deserve.  We demand this investigation!  This investigation should have been --should still be!!-- conducted if our government expects us to have faith that the 2020 Presidential Election was 'free and fair', as so many claim in the absence of ANY CREDIBLE INVESTIGATION whatsoever.  This investigation needs to be done in order lend legitimacy to a Joe Biden presidency moving forward.  No fat lady has sung yet!!! They have just stuffed her into a closet and thrown away the key.  "We the People" should sue our United States Congress, for failing to do their due dilligence in investigating mountains of evdidence of election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election!

To quote Nancy Pelosi in her own social media post after the certification of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States:  #ProtectOurDemocracy and #FollowtheFacts.

Q: How was the 1876 Presidential Election Decided? (click here for the story)

1/16/21  And who did not see the Georgia Senate runoff races ending with a Democratic win?  I mean "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein ... We by way of our totally useless elected officials did absolutely nothing to address voting irregularities by closing avenues for injecting substantial fraudulent votes into the system.  Why would ever think we could possibly win under these circustances??? Why would we think we could EVER POSSIBLY WIN AGAIN, or have any semblance of free and fair elections until the widespread and substantial allegations of voter fraud from the 2020 Presidential Election are adequately addressed.  God help us moving forward????!?????

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Dear Newly Elected Representative from Georgia-14, Marjorie Green,

Please stop for a moment and think about the longer term ramifications of your pledge to "file Articles of Impeachment against President Biden."  This plays exactly into the hands of what the Democrats want.  They never intended that Joe Biden would be the President of the United States; he was just the Trojan Horse the Democrats used toward the end of regaining power in the Executive Branch.  By taking up the torch to impeach President Biden, you employ the Republicans to outright do the Democrats' dirty work for them!  How crazy is that?  We absolutely owe it to the nation to let the at large world see just what a Biden Presidency would like in all of its blundering, memory-muddled glory.  The left pushed this guy, NOW THEY GET TO OWN HIM!  If the Democrats want President Biden out of office, then let them do their own dirty work!  Quite frankly, a blundering Biden winds up being a temporary stop-gap measure against the immediate implentation of the hard-left turn that a Harris Presidency would no doubt take for our nation.

Yours Most Sincerely,

A Concerned, Independent U.S. Citizen



Wednesday, January 13, 2021

#PardonEdwardSnowden & #PardonJulienAssange


Disseminating TRUTH ....

Dear Mr. President,

Please #PardonEdwardSnowden and #PardonJulienAssange, two patriots who selflessly put their own lives and self-interest on the line in pursuit of disseminating TRUTH.  For does not our Democracy die in darkness, a darkness that is looming most malevolently in our rather immediate future.  As a final parting act, please unleash these two passionate souls upon those who now come to power toward the end of helping to hold the darkness accountable for their dark deeds and evil machinations against "We the People."

Your consideration in this matter, as well as your tireless efforts to make putting "We the People" first in making America strong and vibrant once again are greatly appreciated!  A huge thank you for the time-record breaking vaccines that will now be disseminated throughout the United States and the rest of the world to save us from the widespread effects of this untimely and devastating China-pandemic.  While you are at it, can you do anything to have China's (CCP) seat on the U.N. Security Council revoked, given their part in unleashing this Covid-19 virus onto the rest of the world and then conspiring with the World Health Organization (WHO) to cover it up?

May God Bless and Keep you!  You will be missed!

Most Sincerely,

WhatPlanetAreYouLivingOn ~M

































Boycott Amazon: $$$ Let Your Wallet do the Talking!

Received this message, I wanted to share.  Do not think we are powerless to effect change in public and especially in private corporation policies.  Just look at FOX News.  The Murdoch sons made the choice to self-preserve as soon as the perceived the inevitability of a  Joe Biden adminstration writing on the proverbial wall.  Fox shutdown all talk of possible election malfeasance on their network, immediately shifting gears into "what a Biden administartion would like", including cabinet picks and likely policy focus and changes.  So viewers like me, independent thinkers, simply went elsewhere to search for our news and information.  The result?  FOX ratings are in the tank now, particularly the evening line-up, and in particular "The Story", with Martha Mcallum.  Neilson rating stats indicate Mcallum viewers have made the shift over to Newsmax, during this time slot which is hosted a proud patriot and former Marine Greg Kelly.  No doubt other FOX shows will soon follow "The Story" into the tank.  At the conclusion of Tucker Carlson's show last night, Britt Hume --who I used to respect-- came on uttering the Republican self-preservation acquiessence mantra, namely that "the election is over, fraud should not be investigated and the country should mindlessly unite around the incoming Biden administration."  That was the end of watching Tucker Carlson's show for me, and this was last remaining show I used to watch on FOX news.  I'm done with FOX news: period!

Anyway, here is the message I received regarding holding Amazon corporation accountable for its gross free speech and censorship violations in shutting the social media platform Parler down:

"I would like to get this message going out and circulating to as many people as possible.  Please pass this message along and share it with as many patriots as possible!

For too long now Americans have been asleep while the left has silently maneuvered, waging a secret war that is now coming into fruition.  The very fact that big corporations like Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google could, with a coordinated effort, effectively shutdown free speech and communication/sharing of information and ideas among independent, conservative-leaning thinkers is beyond alarming!  What Amazon did  --aided by Apple and Google-- in shutting down Parler was a coordinated effort --in violation of anti-trust laws-- to shutdowm  communication and information sharing among independents and conservatives in a blatant effort to eliminate effective competiton, toward the end of outright controlling speech. By controlling speech these arrogant elites are able to effectively regulate thought, thereby ensuring conformity to approved leftist ideology thought-narratives as promulgated by the propagandist mainstream and authoritarian social media companies.  If we hope to save our nation and to preserve our most treasured FREEDOM OF SPEECH, we must act immediately in a timely and decisive manner in order to prevent other companies from entertaining the idea enacting similar measures against conservatives, penalizing independent thinkers by denying them access to goods and services.     

Given the fact that we are coming late to this battle the sacrifices we must make in order to make a meaningful stand against the authoritarian silencing of our 1st Amendment Right to FREE SPEECH --and therby our right to freedom of independent thought-- will not be easy!  Nonetheless, these are sacrifices we must willingly, boldly and bravely make in order to send out a resoundingly clear and powerful message to these rouge corporations and the Democratic Party elected officicials who back these corporations up over "We the People" (i.e., by the non-enforcement our nation's laws in this respect, simply because the actions of these rouge corporations work in support of the Democratic/leftist agenda of silencing conservatives and putting an end to dissenting/independent thought).  These corporations, and Amazon in particular have over-stepped their bounds, violating the public's trust as well as anti-trust laws.  We can no longer simply sit back and hope that our elected U.S. Congressional members will step in and save the day.  The U.S. Congressional Houses have consistently proven to be weak, unresolved, not unified and wholly ineffective over the past several years in such matters --particularly with respect to the recent act of  blindly certifying electors from contested states with widespread evidence of election fraud and violations of voter laws in each of the six repsective states.  Our meaningful action now will serve as a profound deterretnt against other companies engaging in such abhorrent behavior in the future (e.g., banks denying accounts or services, airlines refusing to allow people of a certain political persuasion the right to fly, email and photo accounts and social media accounts being shutdown). 

While Google and Apple played a key part in removing the Parler App from their stores, it was effectively the giant corporation Amazon that dealt Parler its final death-blow by shutting down server access to the Parler platform.  For this reason, I am urging all concerned American citizens (true Patriots!) to STOP BUYING ANY AND EVERYTHING FROM AMAZON.COM FOR THE NEXT TWO MONTHS.  It won't be convenient or easy, but we can and must find alternative vendors for our material needs.  In doing so, we might just help to give our small businesses a much needed bump during this time of pandemic economic downturn.  Our unified courage in standing up to the gross violations commited by Amazon will be HUGE and it will go a long ways toward sending a clear message to Amazon and companies in the like that they will indeed be held accountable for their actions.  "We the People" still matter, we still possess the ability to think and act for ourselves and we will passionately defend our righ to FREEDOM OF SPEECH (THOUGHT).  May God Bless and keep the United States of America during these trying and pivotal times! #WALKAWAY"

2/1/2021  I have not bought a single thing from Amazon in weeks! I will admit, it was rough at first having to actually spend my physical time and energy to search out and find the items I need.  But once, I actually got out there and started doing my own legwork, I began meeting people who were genuinely grateful for my patronage ... from store clerks, to managers and owners. There are also other retailers with on-line presence beyond Amazon, for those who need to shop from the comfort of home. Making the effort to shop loca1 and support retailers other than the great-and-powerful-Amazon, you know it felt really good!  It's great to be doing something to help these brick and mortar stores stay in business in the midst of this awful China-pandemic.  That is the American way:  we help one another in times of crisis and shopping local, brick and mortar stores helps our fellow Americans, most especially during these troubling times of pandemic and economic downturn.  God Bless and keep the U.S.A.!!!

My next endeavor will be to STOP buying any and everything made with "Made in China" tag on it.  Our government seems to have no interest in holding China (CCP) accountable for unleashing Covid-19 onto the world and then with the help of WHO lying about it.  Nor do governemts in other countries seem overly concerned with holding China accountable??? Absolutely boggles my mind; why wouldn't you want to be pre-emptive towards the end of ever allowing this sort of thing from happening again?  Life in the age of pandemics is now an acceptable NORM?!?  Are you kidding me???!!??  But we've got more important fish to fry:  like killing off U.S. Energy Independence.  Way to go Joe!  You ran on "creating jobs and growing the economy" and  yet, within your first 7 days in office you've managed to kills thousands of high-paying, long term jobs and deal our economy a major death blow.  Not to mention muddying the waters with one our longest standing allies.  Truly brilliant!?!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

We Have All of US Been Deceived ....

Why am I still writing here when I said I was moving on?  Because the tech elites have used a staged riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th in order to shutdown FREE SPEECH on Parler.  It's just gone!  Apple and Google removed the app from their store and Amazon dealt the final blow by denying the Parler platform server access. These arrogant tech elites were able to do this, in America of all places?!  How crazy scary is that? They moved to shutdown opposing and independent thought, because they now can.  Similarly these Tech Companies (i.e., Twitter and Facebook) have shutdown the social media accounts of our sitting President of the United States.  Even the opposition leader of Russian and several non-fan European leader (i.e., Angela Merkel) have made public statements claiming this is unprecedented and a bad move for democracy and free speech the world-over.  So why have these tech companies chosen this moment to make their move?  Simple, they know full-well that the incoming administration will do absolutely nothing to reign them back in because these tech elites are promulgating the leftist agenda. The elected officials on the left are actually working in coordination with tech companies and large corporations to shape our future, in the absence of any input from we the people because they have decided "they know better."  We are now entering the era of government in spite of the people: a new dawn of authoritarianism is arising because we were unwilling to meaningfully contest a rigged election in six key states that somehow miraculously --defying logic, reason and even registered vote counts vs. ballots cast-- put good old Joe over the top.

Democrat elected officials, propagandist media, Big Tech and powerful left-agendist corporations are using the staged riots on January 6th 2021 to solidify their power and boldly silence any opposition by claiming that President Trump's speech on January 6th is responsible for inciting the violence that unfolded on the capitol that day. and the social media platform must do more to censor speech of users on its platform in order to prevent future such violence.  This is really rich considering that not a single rioters that has been arrested in coordination with violent riots storming the U.S. Capitol has been identified as a Parler user to date (via Glenn Greenwald on "Tucker Carlson" 1/12/21).  In fact, most of the violent protests were coordinated on Facebook and You-Tube, but have any reprisals been taken against these companies?  NOPE.  Why, because they are mega-financial supporters and coercive influencers of the leftist agenda and politicians.  The Democrats are even trying to impeach President Trump for "supposedly inciting this violence" which is absurd because none of the President's words used during the hour and eleven minute speech came even close to inciting violence.  In fact, Trump urged "patriotic and peaceful demonstrations" at the U.S. Capitol to let Republican congress-people with the courage to object to certification in the contested states know that we support them.  The Democrats are hoping that this impeachment charade will be the final death-blow to President Trump's political aspirations and discourse in the political arena period.  Even beyond this, however, those aforementioned on the left are coordinating to use the protest rather conveniently --thanks to planted leftist agents and paid off capitol police ... and there is video evidence clearly showing this-- to silence and punish all of those who would object to the impending Biden presidency and the end of a free and fair America as we know it.  They have used the January 6th staged riot at the U.S. Capitol as the grounds for forcing Parler to censor speech on their platform or be shutdown and moving forward anyone who objects to Biden, questions election integrity or shows support for President Trump will be marginalized at best and outright shutdown in the worst case scenarios (with bans on flying on airlines, opening bank accounts, having email, etc. ... they've already purged thousands of conservatives from Twitter and Facebook will soon follow).

The important things to note about the protests gone violent on January 6th is this:  1) the timelines don't match.  President Trump took the stage to speak at the White House at 12:01 p.m. His speech lasted until 1:11 p.m., with him exiting the stage at 1:20 p.m.  Chief of Capitol police records rowdy protesters turning up at the U.S. Capitol at 12:40 p.m., with rowdy turning into violence at 1:56 p.m.  Keep in mind all roads in D.C. in that area were shutdown at the time, so travel via car for protesters was not an option.  Protesters would have had to walk and the walk is a 45 minute paced brisk walk.  That puts protesters who heard --or 'would-be incited'-- reaching the U.S. Capitol no sooner than 2:05 p.m. and that's if they were able to miraculously fly-out of the packed viewing area where the speech was held.  By then, things had already gone off the rails.  2) There is video evidence clearly showing planted leftist agents and paid off capitol police removing barricades and ushering/directing in would-be protesters into the Capitol perimeter, knowing full-well that other legitimate and frustrated protesters would likely follow.  3) Records indicate cell-phone coverage in the area at the time (for security reasons?) was broken and spotty at best, thereby negating the argument that violent protester could have been watching Trump's speech on their cell phones while already at the U.S. Capitol (I will post a source for this and other facts soon!). 4) Lastly, but perhaps most importantly by staging this riot the left has further divided weak-minded Republicans and ironically left those of us to the left of center by any measure in the position of having to defend ourselves in denouncing this violence, thereby conveniently no longer focusing on the need for a legitimate Congressional investigation into widespread allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, as wisely proposed by Senator Ted Cruz on January 6th on the Senate floor. A win-win for the left?!  BOTTOM-LINE THIS WAS A SET-UP AND legitimate protesters, rightfully frustrated Americans and supporters of President Trump are now being wrongly lumped in-kind with the violent rioters in order to facilitate an authoritarian takeover of the formerly United States of America.  This is terrifying, its un-American and we have to correct the record now, standing our ground with facts and reason before we are effectively shutdown forever, if not the next four long years at the very least!!

1/15/21  Proof It was a set-up!  Timeline from Capitol police now shows first riotous protesters arriving at the U.S. Capitol scene at 12:15 p.m., with the first pipe-bomb being found in the U.S. Capitol at 12:30 p.m. and the second at 12:45 p.m.  Moreover video evidence of a well known Antifa-leader, James Earl Sullivan of Utah, has surfaced showing Sullivan speaking with a CNN reporter days before the violent protests.  In this conversation, Sullivan outlines his plans to lead a protest of Antifa supporters to blend in with the Trump protesters.  He claims to have done at several other rallies as well, indicating he had a MAGA hat and other Trump-wear already on hand.  The day of the protest there is video evidence of Sullivan urging protesters to storm the Capitol and then of him breaking a window.  Once inside, Sullivan is seen on camera meeting up with his CNN contact reporter once again.  Sullivan was arrested, yesterday in Utah for his crimes committed at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

1/16/21 Now the left is trying to spin the narrative that this Trump protest was "driven by a bunch of White Nationalist who want to suppress Black voices in our nation." Seriously??!??  If you knew your history --which the left is rather effectively trying to erase-- you would know that the Democrat party is the Party of Slavery, they were the slave owners who fought with the South in the Civil war.  Moreover, not a single Democrat voted for the 13th Amendment which put an end to slavery.  To this day the left holds Black voices hostage by keeping them dependent upon the broken system which all but ensures a systemic cycle of poverty, while forever promising Black citizens the moon and the stars.  President Trump on the other hand was the first President in decades to finally step up and actually do something tangible for the Black community.  1) President Trump instituted prison reforms to address laws and sentences that were keeping people in prison for minor drug possession offenses and he offered released prisoners a tangible hand up in starting their new lives with his "First Step Act."  2) President Trump permanently funded HBU's (Historically Black Universities), where previously they had to undergo a rigorous process to reapply for government funding each and every year.  3) President Trump worked tirelessly with business entrepreneurs to fund "Opportunity Zone" in low-income communities, creating jobs and providing economic opportunities for business ownership.  4) Trump worked to enable school choice, thereby allowing students trapped in poorly performing school districts --simply by virtue of their zip code-- to seek better education alternatives.  5) Under a Trump booming economy Black, Hispanic and Women's unemployment hit HISTORIC RECORD LOWs! And Black and Hispanic incomes rose an average of 33% and 36% respectively under President Trump.  Facts matter, numbers matter, actually delivering on promises matter, because at the end of the day you are able  to "take that to the bank."  Don't be held hostage to the empty promises and divisive lies of the left any longer.  President Trump's words and his actions speak otherwise; he is clearly NOT a racist, supremacist and neither are the majority of the hard-working, patriotic Americans who support President Trump.  Don't believe the media's constant array of sound-bites, these are  taken out of context with added media-spin and conjecture as to the meaning beyond our President's words and actions.  The left's narrative is designed to continuously divide in an effort to weaken America while granting them power, this despirte their empty calls for the "nation to unite."  Do your research, follow the facts and  OWN YOUR MIND!  

2/1/2021 Reports emerging over the past week now clearly indicate that the FBI was aware of the possibility of certain elements --planned elements by the Left in order to launch their subsequent narrative of 'America being under attack by conservatives'-- of the January 6th protests could likely turn violent.  Yet the FBI and the Capitol Police did nothing concrete to take extra measures in preparation of these warning signals.  They basically LET THE VIOLENT (led by a few key Antifa members) PROTESTS, STORMING THE U.S. CAPITOL HAPPEN.  Now, why would they do this?  I mean their job is prevent this sort of thing from happening, especially wehn they are in possession of advance intelligence of a potential problem.  There are even multiple accounts of video footage where Capitol Police are removing barricades and ushering bewildered protesters on toward the U.S. Capitol.  Answer:  they needed the January 6th protest in order to spin the new narrative that those in political opposition to the left are now "a threat to our Democracy."  I mean Hollywood could not do a better job of writing this stuff and yet half of the nation is blindly falling for this crap.  Wherein lies the HOPE for our nation?????

2/19/21  Latest new reports claim Sullivan (from above) was paid $75,000 --by the likes of CNN, ABC and others-- for right to air his video showing the tragic shooting of an Army veteran by U.S. Capitol Police.

America's Third Political Party???

America's Third, equally powerful political party:  the time has finally come! This is solution for the predicament we currently find ourselves in ....

If this past election –not to mention the past four years in politics-- has taught us nothing else it should be this: WE DESPERATELY NEED AT LEAST A THIRD –and maybe even a fourth or fifth-- EQUALLY POWERFUL POLITICAL PARTY in the United States of America. Why? Because, the left would never have been able to effectively short-circuit a free and fair election in key states in order to achieve their predetermined outcome (Joe Biden) if we had had a strong and effective third political party. Moreover with a strong and equally powerful third political party, we will greatly reduce the likelihood that our elected representatives can continue to blatantly disregard the will of “We of the People” by always blindly voting purely along partisan lines. Members of Congress would actually have to come together in order to form multi-partisan coalitions to get anything passed. They would have to actually share ideas and argue the true merits thereof in order to persuade other congressional members to support their cause. This is the way our government is supposed to work! 

Given the fact that Republicans have for the most part been weak, ineffective, totally spineless and profoundly unable to see beyond the tip of their own noses in order to contemplate the severity of future consequences for the votes they cast and the policies they enact/fail to enact– with a few notable exceptions (e.g., Ted Cruz, Jim Jorden, Hawley and a few others)-- I truly believe that the time has come for President Donald Trump and other like-minded individuals to form a powerful new third political party, flat-out leaving the dried up old Republicans in their dust. Perhaps, even a few honest, truly American- loving Democrats who do NOT like the hard left turn their party has taken will join? Let’s call this party the Anti-federalist or something similar, because we believe that BIG government IS NOT THE ANSWER for what ails us, #INDEPENDENT. We believe that we need to reign in rampant spending in order to begin spending more responsibly, lest America wind up becoming insolvent. We will be passionate, compassionate, outspoken and action-oriented and we will finally begin to hold our elected officials and ego-inflated corporate executives accountable for their coordinated actions against a large portion of “We the People” --can you say anti-trust violation lawsuits!  Our money, our business, our time and our attention will do the walking and the talking. The time has come for those of us who truly care about the future of our nation and our core values to make the sacrifices necessary (i.e., willingness to take our business elsewhere) in order to make a timely, decisive and meaningful stand!

P.S.  Speaking of a willingness to take our business elesewhere: I have heard of a movement where citizens concerned with a corporate entity egregiously overstepping their bounds, by entering into the realm of free speech (and therefore thought) censorship, are stopping purchase of any and ALL items from Amazon for the next two month period.  $$ Let your wallet do the talking! $$ If enough people find the resolve and courage to participate, this will surely but a bit of a dent into Amazon's bottom line.  Power to "We the People!" 

2/1/2021  Kevin Clinesmith --the FBI agent responsible for launching the entire ' ' Trump-Russia collusion narrative ' ' and  thereby years of subsequent investigations, culminating in a fraudulent impeachment-- has received his sentence:  a mere slap on the wrist and probation for altering a government document (email) that was then used to justify the FISA warrant that allowed the Trump Campaign to be spied on in the first place.  Now bear in mind, Clinesmith is from THE CORRECT POLITICAL PARTY allegience.  So naturally, the same standard of punishment will not be applied to him.  If Clinesmith had been a Republican, however, he would probably be looking at a minimum of 10 years in prision, per Federal guidelines.  We've seen this double standard play out time and time again over the past decade and half.  It's nothing new, sad but true.  What this whole rotten scenario does make me think is that the new third party should be called "Citizens for Accountability in Government".  Because this is what we are sorely missing in our Representative Democracy these day for certain:  ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!!!