Monday, January 18, 2021

U.S. Policy Changes Will Have Far-reaching Consequences ...

Something to think about as a new administration looms inevitably, forbodingly in our rather immediate future:  Policies have far-reaching consequences!  Unfortunately for the left, change does not occur in a vacuum.

Issue #1)  Open Borders and Illegal Immigration: Open borders and government sanctioned illegal immigration, with promises of education, housing and medical benefits, not to mention jobs being taken means that the promises made by Democrats to the Black community will remain, yet again empty promises as the needs of Black voices take a back seat to the left's agenda of bringing in millions of new Democratic voters.  Moreover, these leftist policies signal to the rest of the world that it's now open-season on America and they will come swarming in droves to our borders! Now, I personally have no issue with helping those less fortunate, just look at the billions of dollars the United States puts out each year for foreign aide assistance -- I'll try to get some numbers here shortly.  America DOES a lot of good around the world, but this good should not be done at the expense of the well-being of our nation, namely letting millions of undocumented individuals into our nation without propper vetting and procedure. I am all for legal immigration, but we have to have a process that can reasonably handle the influx, while ensuring the well-being and safety of our nation.  That is to say we need to weed out gang members, violent criminals and human traffickers, and quite frankly you just cannot do that with an open borders policy.  It also upsets me that we have so many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of homeless citizens living on our own streets.  Do we not have an obligation to help these people, our own U.S. citizens, before flinging the doors wide open for other non-citizens to strain our system even further?  Especially, when so many of these homeless individuals are former veterans of our U.S. Military who may suffer from PTSD and/or have fallen on hard times with respect to reaclimating to civilian life.  Haven't you heard the saying, "God helps them who help themselves?"  My middle daughter summed up Federal taxes rather succintly,  "I have no problem with the government taking my money toward the end of helping others.  That being said, if they take my money and I still see people living on the streets, homeless and struggling:  I am going to be really pissed!" ... Physician heal thyself???

Issue #2)  Middle East Terrorism and a Nuclear Iran:  If the Biden administration moves to effectively put an end to hard-won U.S. Energy Independence under the guise of the "Green New Deal" and ' 'saving the planet' ' --which WILL happen when the Biden administration blindly rejoins the  wholly ineffective "Paris Climate Accord"-- we will be put into the position of using our $$money$$ to buy energy/gasoline from foreign entities, namely the  Middle East and China.  This in turn gives money to Middle East which will inevitably be used toward the end of reinvigorating funding for terrorist activites and we will likely see a rise in terrorism and a return of the heretofore nearly extinct ISIS.  Moreover, putting an end to buying Middle Eastern oil has really put the squeeze on the Iranian government which is now struggling to provide even basic necessities for its increasingly restless population.  In their present positon, the Iranian government is now in THE IDEAL SITUATION for having to re-negotiate when it comes to their ambitions of developing nuclear weapons.  A return to the Obama administration's ' 'nuclear deal' ' would flat-out be a win-win, 'Hail-Mary' for Iran, but not so much for the U.S. and Western interests.  As for China, well they are pure evil and sending them additional funding on any level will have dire longer term consequences as China seeks to become THE premiere global power, on all fronts, within the next five years.  So watch closely when it comes to Biden's plans for renegotiating trade deals with CCP and removing intellectual property constraints on China.  Remember, Joe Biden and family are all but bought, sold and paid for by China as evidenced by the pre-election squashed story on Hunter Biden and his laptop of evdience, which are only now coming to light but are thankfully (???) being formally investigated nonetheless.

Bottom-line, be careful what you wish for and dare to actually ponder the longer term consequences of seeminly distinct policy positions.  Life doesn't operate within a vacuum, but then people who actually own their minds already realize this.  What about you, have you taken the effort yet to actually own your own mind? Or are you still pliably weak-minded, eager to swallow the latest load of ideological rhetoric being shoveled your way by the mainstream media and big tech????

God help our nation, we are teetering upon the edge of a very dangerous cliff ....

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