Sunday, January 24, 2021

A BIG "Thank You" to All Americans Who "Voted to Reject the Status Quo"!

The other half of the country (a.k.a. our modern-day left-leaning 'American Brain-Trust ', those who supposedly succeeded in putting good ol' Joe into office) have willingly surrendered their minds to left's 24/7-every aspect of life "Battle for the Mind".  Like compliant sheep, with ridiculously pliable minds they eagerly wait to devour the next little easily digestible nuggets of 'truth' being dissemenated by the propagandist media and big tech.  Where these little 'truth' nuggets  share the common characteristics of being easy to remember and recite. For example, “Green Energy == Save the Planet”, because who would ever be against saving the planet?  Honestly, who wants to be labeled as being against saving the planet, right? Alas the Devil lies in the details. But sadly, and perhaps rather conveniently, modern-day Americans lack the attention span and the inclination to pursue any of the truly illuminating details behind these rather convenient 'truths."  Instead of pursuing details and facts, Americans all too eagerly --lazily-- just check the ‘feel-good’ box (of belonging) and then they move right along onto the next bright-shiny object. No matter that rejoining the “Paris Climate Accord” will not even bother to lower the temperature of rapidly spinning Blue Planet Earth by even ONE FULL DEGREE Celsius. Why? Because the “Paris Climate Accord” fails to go after the REALLY BIG POLLUTERS, namely China, India and Russia, in any timely or truly carbon emissions-reducing way.  If you really care about saving the planet, then you actually need to go after China, India and Russia for their massivie contributions to polluting the Earth's atmosphere!!!  Do that and then get back to me about honest efforts to save the planet.

America has already made HUGE strides in lowering our country’s emissions, especially over the course of the last decade. Jeopardizing our U.S. economy --and our thereby our national security-- in pursuit of further emissions reductions, while the BIG POLLUTERS do absolutely nothing to ‘change their evil ways’ accomplishes nothing meaningful. Unless of course, your end objective is not really “saving planet” after all. If your end-objective is rather to wreck the U.S. economy and redistribute wealth by having the U.S.A. pay $$MILLIONS$$ of dollars into the accord slush-fund to be redistributed to other nations, with the bonus side-benefits of: 1) significantly raising U.S. energy costs --including gasoline, $6.00 - $7.00++ for a gallon of gas here we come!-- for millions of everyday Americans; 2) limiting choices (e.g., from what cars you can drive, to how you will heat your homes, cook and power appliances, to what light bulbs you can use); 3) driving American businesses out of the country --to other countries, where the cost of doing business is far more affordable and regulation also tend to much laxer==losing millions of American well-paying jobs once again: Thanks JOE!!; 4) nation-wide rolling blackouts==except in elitist communities which will get power priority-- as green-energy fails miserably to deliver on the larger-scale needed to make the green-energy switch.  Why?  Because the Science necessary to make ‘green-energy’ large scale feasible just isn’t there yet!. Bottom-line, ‘green-energy’ isn’t really about saving the planet. ‘Green-energy’ is just the vehicle for enabling control in order to usher in a new-world elitist global order and us poor schmucks are just along for the bumpy ride. And Green-energy is just the tip of 'change iceberg'. In the words of the Senate Minority Leader just prior to Georgia Senate run-off races “We win the Senate, then we change the world [opps! (fumbles awkwardly to put mask back on) I let the cat out the bag too soon] … We change America!”~Chuck Schummer

The pliably-minded on the Left ....

Buckle up, it’s gonna be a long and perilously bumpy ride … And they were all of them so easily deceived???
1/27/21  Heard two days back that Biden declared via Executive Order that moving forward all U.S. government vehicles would be electric.  And wouldn't you know it, but Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and husband invested heavily in Tesla stock two-three months back.  Their net gain after Biden's announcement regarding a new fleet of electric government vehicles?  Upwards of $600,000!  Ah, but there's nothing to see here, right?  The left is at least consistent on one front:  HYPOCRISY!

Also heard on talk radio today that the windmills and solar panels that will supposedly replace energy derived from the canceled Keystone Pipeline are made almost exculsively over in China, both the structures and now the control chips as well --thanks to intellectual property theft on the part of China.  So killing the Keystone Pipeline won't replace oil jobs with Green Energy jobs because that market is controlled by China.  New guaranteed revenue and jobs for China!  Way to go, Biden (NOT!!!!!!)!!!  Moreover, the cost to manufacture these energy creating devices vs. amount of energy revenue they generate over their service life --including the cost to decomission them at the end of service life ... $50,000 per windmill-- winds up being a net loss.  This means these particular green energy devices wind up operating at a net loss, which must be subsidised by our U.S. Government or the businesses implementing these 'greeen energy' alternatives would go bankrupt! $$$... So now not only are we eliminating really good paying American jobs and we're racking up more national debt paving the way for national insolvency.

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