Monday, April 22, 2019

True Hope and Faith will never waiver ....

My deepest sorrows and sympathy rest with those assaulted by terrorists while celebrating the Resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ  this past Easter Sunday.  The victims in this terrible tragedy are "Christians" by name, but in truth they are all really just children of the one God we all share.  These innocents were attacked in their Holy places of worship on a day of celebration, a day celebrating "resurrection." The date of this attack perhaps in some odd way brings me solace, for resurrection is a gift promised to all Believers, from the greatest right on up to the smallest ..."The first shall be last and the last shall be first."  You see to be taken from this LIFE on this day, Easter Sunday, rings out LOUDLY with a message to all, believers or not, that these believers taken in act of unspeakable violence will be resurrected --reunited with the Creator-- and as such their 'lives' ... their essence, being, light, spirits live on without end.  So what, if anything, does this slaughter of innocents accomplish in the end?  Not one thing ... The only 'accomplishment' I can see is that from a karmic standpoint this act of deranged violence surely seals the fate of all the perpetrators involved leading into the next life --for in addition to the ultimate goal of resurrection (reunification with the source of creation), I wholeheartedly happen to believe in reincarnation ... hence "the next life." That being said the regrettable loss of lives this past Easter Sunday will be greatly felt by those left behind and the greater sympathetic world at large, but still the spirit of Hope and Faith will never waiver.  I guess, that's something those seeking to impose their view of an acceptable world-order can never seem to fully comprehend?  Maybe their eyes will open in the next life? ... With Hope and many, many ongoing prayers.  Yes, I pray for those some would deem to be 'enemies' ...Love and Hate, but a stone's throw away from one another in the circular nature of our human condition.  Sending prayers, LOVE, Light and healing intentions out for all those in need. God Bless, Heal and Keep you always close to His heart. ~Isabelle

(An Easter photograph I took from my balcony several years ago. This photo has always spoken of Resurrection to me.)

4/29/2019  My thoughts, healing intentions and many prayers are with those affected by shooting at CA synagogue over this past weekend, especially for the woman who gave her life, Lori Kaye to save her Rabbi.  That is the ultimate of self-sacrifice and so truly inspirational.  Her sacrifice will allow her community to heal and move forward under the guidance of their leader.

How very fortunate that those trained in the use of weapons and close quarters hand to hand combat were present within the community at the time of this attack.   While these attacks are unthinkably violent and truly deranged, it it my sincerest hope that these sorts of attacks, on various religious faiths, will begin to focus in on the fact that at the end of the day we have so much more in common that we do in difference.  Dogma is man-made. God, the Creator and our connection to the universal whole transcends Dogma.  As such we should all endeavor to make the world a better place, by our daily intentions and actions, small ripples of ever-widening HOPE and LOVE, providing the foundation for universal FAITH and  a belief in a higher purpose for our being, regardless of our individual religious choice for expression of these basic foundational pillars of our shared humanity.