Thursday, January 14, 2021


Dear Newly Elected Representative from Georgia-14, Marjorie Green,

Please stop for a moment and think about the longer term ramifications of your pledge to "file Articles of Impeachment against President Biden."  This plays exactly into the hands of what the Democrats want.  They never intended that Joe Biden would be the President of the United States; he was just the Trojan Horse the Democrats used toward the end of regaining power in the Executive Branch.  By taking up the torch to impeach President Biden, you employ the Republicans to outright do the Democrats' dirty work for them!  How crazy is that?  We absolutely owe it to the nation to let the at large world see just what a Biden Presidency would like in all of its blundering, memory-muddled glory.  The left pushed this guy, NOW THEY GET TO OWN HIM!  If the Democrats want President Biden out of office, then let them do their own dirty work!  Quite frankly, a blundering Biden winds up being a temporary stop-gap measure against the immediate implentation of the hard-left turn that a Harris Presidency would no doubt take for our nation.

Yours Most Sincerely,

A Concerned, Independent U.S. Citizen



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