Friday, January 29, 2021

In the Absence of Logic, Empirical Facts and All Reason ....

The Battle lines are being drawn ....

I have been thinking a lot the new administrations take on U.S. Energy Independence.  The fact that the person currently sitting in the White House can with a stroke of pen kill an entire energy project that has been in work for years now, with contracts, capital expenditures and even an agreement with another country --Biden did not even grant Canda's PM the corteousy of phone call before knixing this joint energy venture-- in the absence of any binding law is beyond concerning.  I have to think there are legal recourses here, for time and money having been spent in good faith towards the intended completion of this project.  If I were these companies, even the States involved in the Keystone XL Pipeline, I would sue the U.S. Government for 'breech of contract'.  Make them go into court to defend their supposed rationale for canceling this project.  Make the Biden administration actually provide legitimate environmental studies that reasonably support their position.  Because just outright canceling our United States Energy Independence on a mere whim, in order to satisfy the base that supposedly got Biden elected into office is unacceptable!  Moreover, in keeping with the Biden administration's extreme focus on "equity", particularly with respect to aspects of climate change.  Cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline just instantly cut-off a valuable source of $$equity/income$$ for Native Americans whose lands the pipeline would cross.  Although, I have heard that Native American American tribes are divided over econmic revenue source vs. impacts to the environment.  To that I would say that studies have shown the pipeline to be less likely to induce environmental harm over other methods of transport, like trucking and trains which are far more prone to risk of oil spills.

Just because our government is now beyond blanked-up, in the aftermath of a highly questionable election, doesn't mean we have to just sit back and take it!!! The time has come to stand up to the 'Green Energy' radical, non-evidential, unsubstantianted, fanatical, cult-like lunacy of 'policy' and agenda! Good paying jobs, regional economics, energy independence, amicable ties with Canada and even our national security is at risk with Biden's cancelation of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  The left has created a rather convenient monster of a crisis with their 'Climate Change' in the absence of any hardcore, time-line science based fact (i.e., unmassaged evidential and empirical data) demonstrating that man's --and oddly enough the United States above all--  impact on the Earth's atmosphere (Co2 emissions) ALONE will bring about our untimely demise within a matter of mere decade(s).  Why because people living in fear of immenent doom are probably easier to control.  How convenient that the left alone can provide the solutions to this 'impending doom'  with their 'Green Energy' policy agenda, much to the financial benefit of their supporters (i.e., U.S. elitist and global elitist donors and China (CCP)).  Funny how NONE of the left's climate alarmist prophetic warnings have yet to materialize.  You will recall that our coastal regions should be 22 feet underwater by now according to predictions from the 80-90's by Al Gore and the like? Yet, somehow the 'climate change' behemoth is still rolling right along? No questions asked? The scientific data doesn't actually support claims that our weather is getting more severe, despite unsubstantiated claims to the contrary (i.e., one or two, even three bad storms in isolation does not a definitive trend make).  And as for forest fires on the West coast being extremely bad this past year in particular, the bulk of this is caused by a combination of water-diversion and forest mismanagement, conveniently lumped into the broad category of the ever useful catch-phrase 'climate change." The cult-like following of 'climate change' is opportunistic, praying upon the feel-good but ill-informed followers among us and quite frankly it is pure madness! Someone will indeed benefit significantly from 'Green Energy', namely the global elites, China, Russia and the Middle East, but mark my words it will be at the great expense of the United States and for the time being Canada.  For these reasons, the time has come for all good men and women to stand up NOW and FIGHT for sanity and reason  in the face of an unweildly takeover at the expense of our nation and its citizens.  Where we can fight with lawsuits, Governers of States impacted working together and calls for U.S. Congressional hearings to investigate the legality and feasibility of Biden's Executive Order outright cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline.  This is just the first battle of many to come and we urgently need to set the tone for what is yet to come.  No more status quo -- that is do absolutely NOTHING MEANINGFUL, with a disunified voice and a drawn-out timeline that produces the net result of a BIG FAT ZERO!  Timely and decisive action is of the utmost importance!!!

You know what the ulitmately IRONY would be?  Canada winds up selling their oil to China who then sells it back the United States with an $$ exorbatant $$ mark-up.

2/1/2021 I was actually listening to a climate scientist speak the other day and he pointed out the positive aspects of a slightly warming planet (due to an increase in Co2 emissions), something no one ever dares to speak about.  Our planet is now thriving in terms of vegetation, increasing the harvest from life-sustaining crops rather dramatically,  thereby allowing us to feed more people than ever on this rapidly spinning Blue Planet.  So we have not yet progressed to the point where "We the (lesser) People" need to resort "to eating weeds" -- recent recommendation coming out the most recent econmic summit of globalist elites, I kid you NOT.  Fewer people are dying due to exposure to cold temperatures as well.  Despite onging dire predictions arctic ice is not melting at a breakneck speed.  In fact, the arctic ice has actually increased in recent years.  The latter being said, I do have concerns about our oceans and the health of oceans' reef systems in particular, but the majority of scientific shows I have watched in this regard lately seem to attribute over-fishing as the main culprit in the decline of reef systems.  Apparently the presence of large predators, namely sharks, has a direct correlation to maintaining the health of ocean reef communities.  But speaking on maintianing healthy environments and ecosystems, killing the Keystone XL Pipeline actually means that we will now employ far less safe mechanism for transporting oil into the U.S., namely by truck and train.  Both of the latter mechanisms for oil transport will greatly increase the opportunity for oil spills, thereby increasing threat of contamination to the environment and endangering wildlife.  How is that not an immediate threat to the environment???

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