Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Dreaded Task of Shopping for School Supplies!

Back to school is just around the corner. The school district is starting before Labor Day this year, in anticipation of possible snow days -- based upon what we had happen last school year.

Anyway, "back to school" means the always fun task of shopping for school supplies. I've already done the new clothes and bigger shoes thing; I can handle that. [Although, sometimes I wonder if it might be easier to shop for new clothes for three little boys, as opposed to three highly opinionated little girls -- gee wonder where they get that from?] It's the shopping for pencils, construction papers, rulers, wipes, etc., times three (kids) that drives me nuts! Maybe not so much the task, as having to deal with the crowds of people and other people's screaming kids?

Well, as I said in a post a few days ago: my kids and I have been off on adventures this past week (I'll try to post some photos soon). We've bee trying to pack in some last minute end of summer fun. Seems as if I haven't sat down, for five straight minutes, in the last seven days. My legs and feet just aren't what they used to be; they're aching and sore! So my plan for today, Sunday, was a day of quiet rest ... fitting for a Sunday, wouldn't you agree?

The kids, however, just want to keep going and going. They've had a blast this past week and they don't want it to end -- guess, I can't blame them. I had to put my sore foot down, on the notion of going horseback riding today. Horseback riding will have to wait until next weekend, but shopping for the dreaded school supplies was still on the table. As I was trying to mentally psyche myself up for the challenge, my husband -- out of nowhere -- offered to take the kids on his own. I nearly fell out of my seat and doused myself in a steaming hot cup Earl Grey tea. In all of the years of shopping for school supplies, Dad has never taken on this task on his own. He did offer to come along to help ONE time and then bailed midway through.

But hey, who am I to look a gift-horse in the mouth? If Ken was offering: I was going to take him up on it! So here I now sit, alone in peace and quiet ... with the sun actually up (i.e., it's not after midnight or the wee hours of the early morning) ... sipping a freshly made cup of hot tea, with my sore feet propped up on top of the printer. Of course, I have the phone right next to me just in case Ken has any questions or concerns. No worries -- right?! Ken left with three, relatively in-tact children; I'm sure he'll return with the same -- hopefully not more?! Yes, I have faith in Dad's organizational skills and infinite patience. I'm confident that he's up for the challenge, and I sincerely appreciate his taking on this daunting task so that I didn't have to ... today of all days. Thanks Ken! Love you!

Joyful to day to you and yours -- especially those of you preparing for "back to school".

God Bless!

8/31 (opps! forgot August has 31 days too!) Mission accomplished! Ken even went to 2 different stores in order to finish checking off all items on all three lists. He even brought the three kids home fed. Most impressive and greatly appreciated! Maybe you can use this story to inspire your hubby to do the same for you? You never know; stranger things have happened. : )

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