Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"10,000 Miles" ...

I happened to be doing some late-night browsing, last night, sorting through music on Youtube.com.  I was in search of songs that would speak to me in some way.  As I was looking, I stumbled across this song by Mary Chapin Carpenter: "10,000 Miles".  My parents used to love this artist's music in my younger days, but for whatever reason I have only a vague recollection of this particular song?  Still, this song is a truly beautiful and lyrical ballad.  This song almost seems to be a poem, temporarily taking on the form of song.  There is also some breathtaking photography accompanying this video, which surely makes it worth the time it takes to view and absorb it's hidden meanings.  If you're lucky, maybe this song/music video will speak to your soul as well?  Today is a special day for me.  Thus far it's been a day of quiet reflection, as I attempt to take a spiritual deep breath before I step forward to embrace what's left of my future in this life as we know it. With the latter in mind, this song seems to fit rather nicely with my mood this particular day.  

I will be away from blogging these next few weeks.  I have a lot of writing to do.  Hope to finish my novel #2 by summer's end.  Take care and God Bless!

Peace & Love,

P.S. Parting thought: I'm wondering, when the Fat Lady finally sings:  What will she sing?????  Some food for thought while I'm away, perhaps? ; )  ... And remember, judge not lest you should be judged --see the Sirach quote from the Bible in my quotes section.  The universe wanted me to remind you of this.  Maybe when I finish this novel, I will finally pick up that infernal thing they call a phone and call you on it?  Would you actually answer, with spoken word, I wonder?

Song: "10,000 Miles", By Mary Chapin Carpenter

5/15/2015   Was tending to my patio garden this afternoon when three blackbirds flew across the backyard in hard left-bank, F-16 like fighter formation fly-over.  Then seconds later another blackbird flew slowly across the yard in the opposite direction (heading off toward the right-hand side of the yard) and I swear he was squawking something that sounded an awful lot like "Happy Birthday to You", over and over again.  It's the little things right? ; )

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