Saturday, September 24, 2011

Night Vision ...

"Night Vision"

One of the search tags for my blog today was "scary psychedelic black and white pattern."  Well, I don't know if this fits the bill or not, but it made me think of this photo I had just finished processing.  So here it is ... maybe this helps?  This image is finished in IR.

I posted another really cool photograph that was shot in near IR on my Flickr site.   In the latter photo, I darkend the sky, added some clouds and a moon  to give a nighttime silvery reflection in a pond.  It turned out pretty cool, I think.  There is a link to my photo site under the links section of my blog.  I also have some foggy photo captures there too (another search tag this day), but I am still perfecting shooting in fog.  I'm not really happy with what I've done thus far.  Someone suggested shooting with a polarizer?  I haven't tried that yet, we don't get much fog over the summer months.  Hopefully, some wonderful foggy weather will be on its way here for the month of October. 

I want to shoot in a cemetery with fog ... think that would be tres cool.  And I did finally find someone to go into a cemetery with me at night for some far IR photography.  Just need to locate the costly IR film now and make sure the Cannon 35mm I have is in working order.  I'm excited!

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