Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Lens of History has a way of refocusing Truth in order to weed out extreme biases

I tire of speaking on the subject of politics, but after what I have witnessed on the 'news' at the end of last week and over the weekend (i.e., 1) Democratic response to President Trump's offer to extend legal protections and benefits to Dreamers for an additional three year --a likely precursor to a permanent legal status in subsequent farther reaching negotiations; 2) The way the media ran with the wildly unsubstantiated Buzzfeed "Cohen allegations" news story; and 3) The media's knee-jerk reaction of crucifying the Catholic teens from Kentucky at the "Right to Life" march in the absence of doing their due journalistic diligence in verifying they had the whole story) I have come to the profound conclusion that the greater politics --I say 'greater' for there are isolated exceptions-- of the Left has now reached a point where they can no longer process long-term consequence, or planning for that matter.  The Left, and the media in particular, have become like drug addicts, in withdrawal and desperately in need of their next hit, their drug of choice usually being "Trump Russia Collusion."  This past weekend, however, they substituted their usual fix with 'news' which appeared to advance their accepted narratives, namely that all white men are bad --particularly 'privileged' Trump supporting youth.  The outrage of hateful shouting on social media was sickening, with calls for violence including feeding these young men into a wood-chipper?!? And when the facts proved the initial assumptions and reporting wrong, "no one apologized, they just quietly deleted their tweets." ~Tucker Carlson

"There are none so intolerant as those who preach tolerance to the rest of us.  There are none so quick to judge as those who tell us to be non-judgmental" ~Governor Matt Bevin of Kentucky

The facts and long term consequences truly no longer seem to matter to the Left on any level.  They willfully dismiss any and all facts and reason that run counter to their accepted narratives on an 'accepted world-view' as they speak to one another in like-minded bubbles of conformity, scoffing at those who dare to dissent in a best-case scenario, outright destroying dissenters in a worse-case scenario.  It is truly remarkable, not mention SAD!  What these addicts or rather converts to the extremism of Leftward thinking fail to realize is that this type of behavior as witnessed by history (e.g., fall of the Roman Empire and more recently Venezuela) usually precipitates a total dismantling of the society that subscribes to such behavior.  Moreover, while the Left's bizarre political 'trip' is at present unchallenged by a wholly complicit and largely dishonest media, history will not be as kind.  History has a noble way of refocusing the lens of truth in order to weed out extreme biases and I fear that this refocusing will not paint the Left in any favorable light.  Even Robert Mueller chose to break his heretofore silence where the "Russia Probe" is concerned in order to denounce the (#2 in the above list) most egregious Buzzfeed news story for being inaccurate and unsubstantiated, as per the facts currently available to the Mueller team.  Robert Mueller at least has the foresight to preserve his own good name within the annuals of History.  Mueller's actions should serve as an omen of warning to those on Left currently subscribing to the Left's unyielding orthodoxy, which does not allow for any form of logic and reason or meaningful compromise for the benefit of "We [all] the People." Thankfully, the people are beginning to awaken from their slumber ...

I find myself left with the phrase "If true" ringing loudly in my mind and I wonder "If NOT true" do these latest media bungles, on such a grand scale, completely shred the last remaining thread of credibility the mainstream had towards the end of being capable of rendering any true journalistic content???  But more importantly, aren't we as a nation better than this????????????????????????????

1/29/2019  I must say, I have to give Howard Schultz, founder and former CEO of Starbucks, credit for having the courage to stand up and hold the Left accountable for the current state of their politics.  By announcing his intention to run for the Office of the President of the United States in 2020 as an independent and speaking loudly towards the end of challenging the mindless acceptance of 'truths' in the absence of facts, logic and reason, Schultz may just wind up going a long way towards restoring accountability in our political conversations once again.


Michelle (Isabelle) said...

Hello! So glad you found your way here. Happy to have your input by way of comments for the moment. I have returned to school to finish up my advanced degrees so I don't have time for guest writers at the moment, perhaps at some point in the future. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Always happy to hear from you!!

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Michelle (Isabelle) said...

You are so very welcome! Appreciate your stopping by and hope to hear from you again in the future.