Thursday, December 10, 2020

Finding TRUTH in the Age of Unprecedented Censorship?

Finding truth in the age of unprecedented censorship.  Is it even possible?  It used to be that in America we embraced an honest conversation, entertaining all perspectives on a given topic and then engaging in meaningful debate --as opposed to ideological shouting matches and violence we bear witness to today.  Where our media acted in the capcity of legitimate fact-checkers, providing access to ALL information sharing.  This made America THE place where our diversity of thought was not only appreciated, but celebrated, thereby allowing the best and most robust ideas to rise up and find their way to the top.  This used to be the biggest part of what made America great and what gave "We the People" an honest say in our government.  Sadly, today in face of widespread and coordinated information manipulation and outright suppression of counter-position (i.e., non-Leftist) ideas citizens can no longer make truly informed decisions on issues, ideas or the politicians they will elect to represent them as their voice in government.  This strategically limits the ability of the average American citizen's  ability to be truly informed when they participate in our voting process, which used to include free & FAIR elections.

How far the mighty seem to have fallen in this day of Media & Big Tech perception manipulation and outright censorship (supression) of ANY ideas that run counter to the narratives they are pushing.  My advice?  TRUTH probably resides somewhere underneath the rocks they are tossing out (i.e., outright banning from their platforms and news shows).  Therefore, if you want to begin to get at some verison of truth, then you must willfully seek out alternative sources for your news and information on the very topics the elites have decided to OUTRIGHT BAN.  Only by embracing a willingness to put some actual effort into your search for TRUTH, coupled with a willingess to consider the other side of an arguemnt will YOU or YOUR thoughts ever TRULY BE FREE! 

Image Source

Places to get you started:  NewsmaxTv (free streaming Ap) and One America News Network (via ... Think FOX has now, sadly, sold its soul to China as well.

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