Monday, October 01, 2012

Awakening Dream ...

The most beautiful words awoke me from my two hours of slumber this morning.  Three minutes before my alarm clock was set to ring, into my ear a warm yet invisble voice did whisper ... whisper of words that wrapped senuous arms around a warm and sleepy me, reaching in ever so tenderly to touch my very soul. 

Artist's Title:  "My Dream"

It took me a few minutes fully come to my senses, finally realizing that I was alone and had been only dreaming?  The alarm clock yelling at me three minutes later helped to clarify matters, pulling me abruptly back into my waking reality.  I sat up and gently pounded the clock for ruining my dream.  If I hadn't had to get up and start my day, I would have hit 'snooze' and snuggled back into bed for a few more minutes, but I was up and sadly if I don't get up no one else does either.  I happend to have my iTouch on the table beside the bed though, so I took a few minutes and 'wrote' the dreamy words down, lest they later seem but a hazy receeding dream. 

Reading back over these whispered words now, it seems to me that there is a beautiful song in these sensuous words ... An intimate lovesong just waiting to unfold.  Hopefully, the rest of the words will come to me in time.  For now they are written on my heart, playing endlessly in my mind.  Soul synchronicty?  Seems to be happening a lot for me lately on many different levels, with different people, for different reasons.  Maybe these words are just the words I long to hear from afar or very near ... The universe works in mysterious ways.  Wish I could share the words of my awakening dream with you here now, but they are as yet unfinished.  Perhaps I'll share them when the song completes ....

And this image fits so very nicely with the words from my dream.  Do check out the website of the artist in the links provided.  This talented artist has several other exquisite paintings of a similar style and equal beauty available for viewing on her website:  Rebecca Torrington.  There is an inherent beauty in the human form when seen through the eyes of love --and not lust-- I believe so, anyhow ... didn't always feel that way, but I've come such a long way on my journey through this life thus far ....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah, so we both are having these very meaningful dreams? This is a good thing - i like it much!