Friday, November 06, 2020

Biden will claim victory under profound air of illegitimacy ....

I had some serious doubts that any election held in the midst of a suspiciously timed pandemic could ever be free and fair.  I honestly don't know why we didn't wind up with a Supreme Court ruling allowing 2020 U.S. Presidential Election to be postponed until a vaccine had been widely distributed, such that normal voting procedures would be in effect.  What happened on November 3rd 2020 was anything BUT A FREE and FAIR ELECTION!! A mass mail-in ballot voting scheme, with 39+ states not having the experience or infrastructure in place to ensure that only every LEGAL would count was destined to FAIL and FAIL IT DID!!! And to add insult to injury, the poll watchers for the Republican side of the "watchers" --even with a court order backing them up!!?!!-- were routinely denied access to ballot counting in multiple big cities, in all of the key player states and districts -- why it helps to have the polling data: you know exactly where to unload your extra bogus ballots for maximum effect.  Honestly, how can a batch of 138,000 ballots show up in Wisconsin in the dead of night and wind up being 100% for Joe Biden.  That is an absolute statistical improbability! Talk about NOT following the SCIENCE!?!

At the end of the day it is easier to CHEAT and WIN, than to HAVE TO BE THE SIDE that proves CHEATING OCCURRED, especially when watchers were not present at the time of ballot counting. So the Democrats wind up winning BIG, but they will move forward under a growing veil of outright illegitimacy.  When "EVERY VOTE COUNTS" legal citizens are disenfranchised and the end result does not wind up being an honest reflection of the will of "We the People. Democrats know this, but quite frankly they just don't care.  As long as they regain power, nothing else matters to them.  Cheating is a necessary means to a predetermined outcome, because they truly believe defeating Donald Trump is a 'moral imperative.'  Therefore any means can used to accomplish their end.  But in what way does that reflect the will of the people?  Answer:  IT DOESN'T!!  What's worse is Democrats actually think they can run out the clock and get away with stealing an election, because while their side would be out in the streets burning shit down if the roles were reversed, Democrats assume that Republicans, Independents and Democrats who voted for President Trump's relection will just roll over and take it.  And to that I say, we Won't take it! We should support court challenges, but moreover I think we should demand that the election be re-run in the aftermath of Covid-19.  If only in districts with highly irregular and non-transparent vote counting proceedures, especially in places where the watchers for the Republican side were not afforded reasonable access from which to monitor the vote counting.  Votes that were counted in the absense of monitoring should NOT be counted, period. This election should never have gone forward given the circumstances where there were so many avenues for tampering with the election outcome. Take that all the way up to the Supreme Court!!

Bottom line:  Our system of governance is predicated upon an unwavering confidence in a FREE and FAIR election.  In the 2020 Presidential Election confidence is waivering on a truly massive scale.  Even if you are a Democrat, happy with a Joe Biden win, you should ask yourself:  "Would I be okay with this scenario if the roles were reversed and the election results were tampered with, in key places, in order to ensure that President Trump gained re-election?"  Your honest answer may well help to ensure the survival of our nation moving forward.

[If you feel there was indeed voting coruption in this unprecented mail-in ballot election:  Right click on this image and select "Save Image As" to download this sticker to your device.  Then share it on your pages, emails, etc.  Make it your profile picture!]

P.S. Thinking on this whole election scenario overnight (and with a deeply troubled heart), most especially on the longterm ramifications of the widespread lack of confidence "We the People" now have in our elections, it occurred to me that TRUST in our national elections is ESSENTIAL for the survival of our Democratic Republic.  Therefore, if the RULES WERE NOT FOLLOWED, there has to be consequence that would restore faith in our voting system once again.  I hold that if the law states that "poll-watchers from both sides of the politic divide must be present when votes are counted" and this did not occur, then the votes processed and tallied during this time of non-compliance with the LAW should NOT COUNT.  If this means that voting must be redone in those States Districts, then so be it.  The poll workers in these key locations chose to openly defy the law and they must pay the price for those illegal decisions and actions.  There has to be consequence or none of this matters!  Because the problem is once those ballots are processed into the system and counted there is no way to pull them back out and those on the Democratic side, running these polling stations knew this.  That's why they openly defied the LAW.  The question is are "WE THE PEOPLE" going to stand for it???  I say, hell NO!!!!!  

Time to get some national petitions going to let government know that this was NOT and free and fair election in our eyes and that we demand accountability so that our LEGAL votes are not cancelled out by widespread fraud.  I aslo wonder if the Senate can pass a resolution/law to require that State Districts in non-compliance with the law must redo their portion of the election.  Then this 'law' could be brought before the Supreme Court for a ruling?

10/06/20  If claims of widespread voter fraud are so "ridiculous" then lets look at the NUMBERS.  I mean, we just did conduct the 2020 census.  Let's look at how many people actually reside within a given contested district.  Did 100% of people vote --or more!-- in each of these districts?  What are the statistical odds this would happen in multiple key districts???  Then let's look at the number of ballots that were mailed out to each person within a given district.  Do the number of ballots that went out match the number of ballots that came back and were tallied into the count?  Of the perecetage of ballots that went out to those with a record of voting with Republicans, how many of those ballots made it back into the system and were counted in the tally?  How many people are on record for having voted in-person?  Do the number of confirmed in-person voters match the number of ballots?  And more importantly do the ballots match the registration for the ballot given to the person for in person voting or was another ballot substituted?  How many registered voters are there total within a given district?  Do the number of voters match the total number of ballots counted in the voting total final numbers or is the number higher?  If there are any glaring inconsistencies in these regards, then there is merit to claims of voting irregularities plain and simple!

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