Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Impeachment Articles are an Absolute Insult to the Intelligence of the American People

I have to say, the two Articles of Impeachment coming out of the 'House Impeachment Inquiry' are an absolute insult to the intelligence of the American People!  I mean come on, these articles do not even contain the alleged initial crime which was supposed to have granted Democrats some semblance of legitimacy for launching an 'impeachment inquiry' in the first place, namely that the "President engaged in a quid pro quo with the newly elected President of Ukraine by withholding monetary aid in exchange for ???" ... in exchange for something, or so the Democrats claim.  Think their prevailing argument centered something around their claim 'President Trump wanted the Ukrainians to dig up dirt on Joe Biden in order to aid Trump in defeating a potential opponent in the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election', which is a Big SPIN in my humble opinion and a SPIN for which the Democrats have failed miserably to make any fact-based case for during their blatantly partisan inquiry.

When the Democrats realized the verbiage "quid pro quo" was not resonating with "We the People" --because most people do not understand what quid pro quo means?-- they focus group tested for a new catch-phrase allegation, settling mid-inquiry upon the words "Bribery" instead as the alleged criminal basis for proceeding with the gravest of congressional actions: impeachment of a sitting President of the United States.  The whole thing would actually be rather hilarious, were it were not so incredibly sad!  The House inquiry wound up being a partisan witch-hunt conducted largely behind closed doors, without the benefit of allowing the minority side (Republicans) to call any witnesses and to a large extent with severely limited opportunities for Republicans to truly engage in meaningful questioning of the 'witnesses' called by the Democrats.  At the end of the day the Democrats utterly failed to produce one single witnesses with factual evidence that the President engaged in an actual crime.  That is so very profound, especially where the extreme measure of impeaching a duely elected President is concerned.  Every witness call by the Democrates offered volumes of feelings, conjecture, speculation and opinion, but no actual facts were ever brought to bear in their hearings.  Hence, the subsequent absence of the crimes of "Bribery" or even the original "Quid Pro Quo" in the final "Articles of Impeachment."

The whole process was particularly painful to watch as the Democrats strong-armed the inquiry process in a marked deviation from historical precedence, repeatedly mocking the President for his failure to legitimize their proceedings, yet again (i.e., Mueller probe) with his presence.  President Trump's refusal to partake in the Democrat's partisan inquiry was, quite frankly, just common sense on the part of the President for his participation would have lent credulity to these sham proceedings.  By not showing up to participate, the President  most certainly avoided a perjury trap ... especially given the fact the President had already released the transcript of the alleged 'criminal phone call' in its entirety, with both he and the President of Ukraine giving statements that their was in point of fact "no quid pro quo" or bribery.  President Trump merely wanted to verify that should he give monetary aid to Ukraine that it would not be funneled off by heretofore corrupt political operatives, or even worse yet used to interfere in the upcoming 2020 election, as the "Steele Dossier" had done in the 2016 election to the benefit of the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  The Ukrainian President was not even aware that the release of monetary aid had been momentarily delayed while the administration ensured that Ukraine was on target to "pay their fair share into the United Nations" --per White House sources.  The fact that the Democrats were citing a delay of aid for a ~whopping fifty-five days~  as "a threat to our country's national security" is really rich, given the fact that the previous administration never released a single dime of monetary aid --only ever sending blankets and MRI meals--to Ukraine to help them protect themselves militarily from blatant Russian aggression in the aftermath of Russia's seizing the port city of Crimea. 

Aside from the dripping hypocrisy of apparently "prayerful" and solemn Democrats grandstanding in front media microphones at every opportunity with claims that "our Constitution is at stake", "our Democracy is at stake" and near the end Nancy Pelosi even went so far as to claim at a townhall that "civilization as we know it is at stake", the pinnacle of hypocrisy had to be Adam Schiff and the revelation his staff --and possibly he, himself ... but we will never know this unless Adam Schiff himself is called to testify-- had contact with the alleged whistle-blower prior to said whistle-blower filing their complaint with the IG. Adam Schiff then failed to recuse himself from the proceeding in light of this revelation.  Moreover Schiff subsequently refused to allow Republicans to question the whistle-blower behind closed doors to get to the bottom  of Schiff's involvement with the whistle-blower and possible collusion to impeachment the President of the United States.  That's some pretty serious criminal, conspiratorial stuff if you ask me!!?!!


The conclusion of the proceedings, with supposed 'unbiased' constitutional legal scholars lecturing "We the People" as to the validity of the Democrats plan to move forward with the drafting of formal "Articles of Impeachment" --which would be subsequently voted upon by a full vote held on U.S. Congress House Floor, despite !the absence of any fact-based crime!---  was completely ridiculous!  The only constitutional legal scholar who made any truly unbiased, brilliant conclusions was the Democrat lawyer, Johnathan Turley.  Turley stated during the closing remarks of the panel --as he was the very last scholar to testify-- that even though he was a Democrat, one who did not vote for President Trump and frequently disapproved of Trump's rhetoric, that he found no constitutional basis for moving forward with impeachment.  Furthermore, Turley concluded that only the U.S. Congress members responsible for conducting this sorely wanting and clearly biased impeachment inquiry were the ones guilty of "an abuse of power" ...  And therein lies the crux of the matter.  This blatantly biased, partisan driven, non-evidence based, lacking any formal criminal charge impeachment on the part of Democrat members of the U.S. Congress is in actuality the very "interference in the 2020 Presidential Election" the Democrats are claiming to avoid by pursuing impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.  Surely, the bell of hypocrisy cannot sound any louder or resonate any clearer than this? Yes our democracy is indeed at stake, but the true threat is posed by elected members of the U.S. Congress who are willingly abusing their power, while simultaneously ignoring the will of "We of People" and doing very little to see our truly meaningful needs  (e.g. healthcare, Rx drug costs, trade negotiations, education, border security, etc.) that we put them into office for in the first place.

But if at first you don't succeed (i.e., Removing President Trump from office or at the very least tarnishing his brand in the eyes of millions of American voters), then you must try, try again ... And as I write this, I bear witness to yet another attempt by the Left to RIG the upcoming election by  granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants in the States of New York and New Jersey ... Gee, how many of said recipients do you suppose will be able to use this timely form of identification in order to vote in the upcoming 2020 election?  There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country to date --and that count is very likely a low estimate, some estimates are as high as 21 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.A.  11 million votes could surely go a long way towards swaying an election, don't you think?  I'm not just speculating here, there is evidence that an estimated 55,000 illegal immigrants voted in previous Presidential Elections in the state of Texas, and that's just the one state I happen to know about, surely there are other similar cases across the country.  In closing, I am left wondering what can be done to prevent the voting of illegal immigrants in our elections, particularly Presidential ones?  Will anyone truly be checking the voting roles for verified citizenship?  Can the Federal Government do anything meaningful --not to mention timely!-- to protect the sanctity of our constitutional right to vote??? Timing is, after all, everything ......

In light of all of the above, I truly believe we are witnessing the implosion of one of America's longstanding political parties ... Perhaps something better, a party that genuinely returns to its roots of truly serving "We [all] the People" will arise from the ashes?

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