Tuesday, October 29, 2019

“10 Things that All Americans Can Celebrate Together"???

Recently, I have been trying to come up with a list of “10 Things that All Americans Can Celebrate Together.” Up until yesterday, I would have cited our sporting events as a possible list contender ... Two decades ago this undertaking would not have been such a daunting endeavor, but sadly in the current United States environment of political divisiveness compiling such a unifying list is no longer a straightforward, simple endeavor.   That being said, four years ago I think we all could have rallied around the idea that bringing down a top ISIS leader was actually a good thing. Four years ago, I think we would have all agreed that ISIS was and IS still a terrorist group responsible to the loss of far too many innocent lives.  Four years ago, I think we all would have agreed that ISIS has little, if anything, to do with the religion of Islam … the distinction between Islamic (of Islam) and Islamism (using the religion of Islam to justify a warped political ideology) being crystal clear. Alas, these days we, as nation, find ourselves trapped within a circus carnival house of smoke and funny mirrors, with the mainstream media being the carnival operators. Illusion is truth and truth is now allusion? I have always held that truth is a matter of perspective and sadly we, in the Divided States of America, seem to have lost sight of any meaningful objective perspective these days.

Bottom line, despite the bizarre rantings and ravings you will bear witness to in the mainstream media: the aftermath of taking out the number-1 ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi , and his number-2 associate by means of a coordinated and decisive military action DOES indeed make the world a better, safer place for 99.9% of the people on the planet, and a failure to honestly acknowledge this glaringly obvious fact borders on the obscenely immoral to my way of thinking.  Why would any sane, rational thinking human being ever trust a single word these mainstream media Bozos –in keeping with the carnival theme-- utter again moving forward? Instead of praising President Trump for taking out a really horrible and evil extremist leader, in the name of saving countless thousands upon thousands of future innocent lives, the mainstream media, aided by politically divisive pundits and elected ‘leaders’ on the Left, choose to focus instead on “the President’s tone”, or the fact that “President Trump initiated a withdrawal of U.S. Troops prior to the execution of the military operation to take out Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi .” Well, I’ve got news for you ... In the first place, despite what the Left would have us believe, we still live in a world where ACTION speaks volumes louder than mere words –despite the Left’s best ongoing efforts to convince us otherwise.  President Trump is, first and foremost, a man of ACTION. His promise to defeat ISIS necessitated the military operation in northwestern Syria as the next logical step –given the intel and reaching an accommodation with Bashir Al-Assad-- towards the end of accomplishing said promise. Did anyone ever stop to think that the likelihood that Bashir Al-Assad would have allowed U.S. Military troops into northwestern Syria is highly unlikely, had not the U.S. been in a position of removing troops from Syria in the first place???  Oh that’s right, people who word-spin for a living have a difficult time actually thinking ….

As for the President’s tone and his “words being used in future ISIS recruitment videos”, while I do not think it is ever wise to speak ill of the dead, the actions of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in this lifetime do not merit much in the way of any respect.  Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was probably the furthest thing one could ever possibly imagine from being an “Austere Religious Scholar” [thoughtless word-spinning brought to you by way of the Washington Post]. This evil-inspiring ‘leader’ single-handedly unleashed waves of unspeakable violence upon hundreds of thousands of innocents.  President Trump in recounting the death of this truly evil man – a cowardly man who did not hesitate to use three of his own children as human-shields and then took their lives along with his own when cornered-- speaks with clear and concise words that these terrorists can easily understand, stripping away any notion of glory, honor or righteousness from the heinous, depraved deeds of ISIS carried out in the name of Islamism. The President’s words are, if anything, antithetical to future ISIS recruitment. Anyone who cannot see this must have a few screws lose somewhere???

The difference between words and actions is simply this: that actions typically speak for themselves, while words on the other hand can easily be misconstrued … And in point of fact, the Left tries to leverage this distinction on a hourly, daily basis. Although, the mainstream media surely does their best to also use their words in an ongoing effort to bend, twist and distort speculations as to the motivations behind President Trump’s actions for just about everything he does. But at the end of the day, honest people will see through the unimaginative --ever notice how the mainstream media these days all use the exact same catch-phrase talking point (a.k.a. the sanctioned "words of the day") in their daily broadcasts across multiple networks and platforms?  It's like they're all merely puppets being controlled by some unseen external universal ventriloquist ...it's actually downright scary?!!-- paper-mached, word-spun facade being fabricated by the Left. The prospect of this happening, people exercising the ability to think independently, absolutely infuriates the Left, because they have decided that “We the People” are “basically stupid and as such we should just shut-up, accept, obey and follow.” Perhaps that’s why the Left –politicians, media and academia alike-- is now, more-so than ever before, so BIG on pushing the idea that “words [alone] matter.” Because the Left, largely by way of the mainstream media and academia, currently have the ultimate stranglehold on words in modern day America?  “If you can control speech, you will control thought”? Which brings me to my parting thought: The Price for Freedom in our modern age seems to have become a courageous willingness to seek empirical facts toward the end of unearthing organic truth, to step outside the box of mainstream orthodoxy in order entertain the uncomfortable in contemplating ideas not widely considered ‘popular’ and then to speak up, loudly, on behalf of a truth that will ultimately benefit –as opposed to control-- the American People as a whole, the ruling class be damned. Freedom is not worth having that is not worth fighting for … and this fight, this struggle to maintain our Freedom is ongoing. It requires vigilance on the part of “We the People.” For without our First Amendment right to “Free Speech” --and thereby Freedom of Thought-- none of the remaining Rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution will hold their ground.

10/30/2019 I am reading over the "Federalist Papers", looking for some insight as to what the Founding Fathers might have been thinking with regards to impeachment proceedings, and it occurred to me that the Founding Fathers could never have imagined the state of affairs we are presently witnessing in our modern-day United States of America: the elitism, the self-serving nature of politicians, the outright lies and manipulation --aided by a corrupt, propaganda driven media-- all toward the end of preserving power at the expense of the governed. It is truly shameful! One is left wondering, what if anything can ever be done to set our representative democracy back onto its true course? I suppose, President Trump has gone a long way towards injecting some small measure of course correction. I am thankful for that, even though this Independent  did not vote for a President Trump the first time around. The future has yet to be written; therefore, let us, as citizens, remain engaged and ever-vigilant. As I write, I see the news stories covering the ongoing protests in Hong Kong where brave young protesters are fighting for their own right to self-determination in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness and it truly gives me hope. May God continue to Bless and Guide them in their struggle! And may the protesters in Hong Kong serve as a source of awakening renewal and inspiration for us here in the United States, that we may not fall into a slumber of complacency, taking the freedoms that have been entrusted to us by former generations for granted.

10/31/2019  This clearly partisan 'impeachment inquiry' -- given today's vote in the U.S. House of Representatives-- is ripe with hypocrisy?  That is to say, does not the timing of this informal inquiry --especially given the flimsy, unsubstantiated charges to date ... I mean we have the ACTUAL transcript now and investigating potential interference into the 2016 election to prevent it from happening again is NOT A CRIME-- itself "interfere with an upcoming election"???  Such an impeachment inquiry leading up to a Presidential election is unprecedented in our nation's history.  This is truly such a sad state of affairs, and it not at all what our Founding Father's had envisioned when they contemplated the rare occasions in which impeachment would potentially be invoked.

11/01/2019  Federalist Papers, "Federalist no. 57" .... "What then are we to say to the men who profess the most flaming zeal for republican government, yet boldly impeach the fundamental principle of it; who pretend to be champions for the right and capacity of the people to choose their own ruler, yet maintain that they will prefer those only who will immediately and infallibly betray the trust committed to them?"

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