Friday, February 01, 2019

Shifting Sands in the Fiercest Desert Storm ....

What have we become? A society that finds its way to rationalizing the discarding innocent life simply because it is inconvenient. With the New York State's progressive “Reproductive Healthcare Act"--and other states are lined up to follow suit-- where previously we have argued over the definition of ‘life’, now there can be no ambiguity. Even a full term baby can be eliminated if a mother’s doctors deem it beneficial to the mother’s health and well being, ‘mental health’ concerns alone being sufficient to end the life of the child, yet to be born in the third trimester, in the stages of being born or even fully delivered. A child being born with birth defects or dire health concerns can also be ‘terminated’. If such a law is to stand unchallenged, put quite simply by this definition we as a nation are condoning infanticide. To those with any notion of soul, surely this is pure madness, but to those who have become warped and twisted by the ways of our materialistic, egocentric world to wield power in taking the life of another is perhaps the greatest power of all? Be forewarned, however, for once you cross this divide it's all down hill from here on out. The weak, the burdensome, ill or elderly will all soon have a moral obligation to die for the greater good [this is ultimately where government control of healthcare will lead.; I have witnessed it firsthand in other countries]? Perhaps we lost this argument long ago when we deceived ourselves by thinking that our moral obligation centered solely around determining the ‘definition of life.’ Perhaps this new 'law' is all a devious political machination designed to further the ever-widening chasms of our nation’s divide?

I wonder what God, our Creator would have to say about such a horrific act of violence being visited upon his most innocent creation? Probably something like “I send you these most precious gifts as a reminder of who you are and from whence you came, to restore balance and Hope in your ever darkening world, and you mindlessly slaughter my most treasured creations a link from me to you, sealing your fate in this life and into the next.  Know this, any nation that condones such abhorrent and senseless violence will not stand for long, but will instead perish like shifting sands in the fiercest desert storm.

Man is a stubbornly foolish creature of habit ... To endlessly win the battle, but forever to lose the war.  That is the eternal curse of mankind, I think. 


Michelle (Isabelle) said...

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Michelle (Isabelle) said...

Thank you! Appreciate your stopping by and taking time to share some thoughts. Please post your site link in a comment and I will definitely have a look. Best to you!