Wednesday, November 28, 2018

FIRE Shapes and Refines the Rigidity of METAL ....

My thoughts and heartfelt intentions are with those protesting in Paris right now.  Those with the courage to speak truth to the power of corruption and control under the guise of 'saving the planet' are truly a source of Hope and inspiration  in a world rife with blind feel-good followers, mindlessly content to do the bidding of the elites in power.  It never ceases to amaze me that when things seem the darkest, in a world that seems at times have gone completely mad, the spark of TRUTH arises from within the darkness shedding the light that will set us set FREE!

A must read new book: Lukewarming: The New Climate Science that Changes Everything, Authors Patrick J. Michaels and Paul C. Knappenberger.  Out of 32 different government sponsored climate models only the Russian model tracks with what we are actually seeing in our planet's complex and dynamic climate system.  Why? "The other 32 models are heavily parameterized" ...Could this be the real reason why the elites want to make the Russians the bad guys????  Stranger than fiction .....

Without fire, there would be no treasure???

1 comment:

Michelle (Isabelle) said...

Sorry, I do not know any. Thanks for stopping by. Best to you!