Saturday, September 19, 2020

An Abraham Lincoln Moment

[Well, overworked engineering minds cannot SPELL!  Re-edited and spell-checked, now reposted.] 

Trump's speech given at the National Archives today will surely go down as a seminal moment in our nation's history. Maybe the momentous nature of this occasion will not be marked today, likely not even tomorrow --given the fact our media and social media is currently controlled by the progressively radical left -- but undoubtedly, in the future, when historians look back at this moment in time they will remark upon this historic moment of recognition in definitively naming the poison that threatens our very American way of life by fueling the ever-widening chasms of our national divide.  For we presently find our nation sprinting down a clear fork in the road, headed toward socialism as the "miracle solution for all that presently ails us" at frighteningly break-neck speed and most of  us are scratching our heads and wondering how exactly did we get here?  

The answer to the above question is simply that an object, or in this case an idea --e.g., free speech vs. place of privilege, racial equality vs. racism in America, " "climate change" ", "all cops are BAD"-- will continue unchecked in its trajectory and speed  until acted upon by an external force --a much needed counter-posing voice of reason.  The left has high-jacked the conversation in America, everything from media/social media, news and information, academia and even our primary K-12 education.  But this 'high-jacking' actually all started decades ago within our education system, in America, particularly with respect to teaching our nation's history.  By means of editing out parts of our history, the left has succeeded in conditioning the minds of our nation's youth to begin to doubt the founding and operating motives of their nation and their own individual place within this larger scheme.  This lack of a holistic education primes young minds to be receptive to the divisive and dis-empowering ideology of "critical race theory" that is being promulgated in our institutions of higher learning.  For this ideology at it core instills the basic idea that the ONLY thing that truly matters about America is that it is a  "nation founded  upon the subjugation of other races."  Subsequently, citizens of this nation fall into one of only two possible categories:  1) those who must bear the sins of past transgression by our 'ancestors' and are as such "operating from a place of privilege"; or 2) those who remain oppressed and are limited as to what they can achieve simply because of the color of the skin they were born into.  This mindset has been foisted upon us for decades now and its silent workings are finally coming into fruition, as the former children of its teachings are now adult citizens in our nation, citizens who have had the ability to think critically and independently programmed right out them.  More importantly, this programming by its design actually shuts down vital conversations that are necessary toward the end of keeping our democracy alive and thriving, with engaged citizens who actively manage their consent to be governed as opposed to a population ready to willfully surrender to socialism --the antithesis of consent of the governed!-- out of some sense of moral obligation --be this obligation due to guilt or stemming from a sense of victim identification-- for a past history that they do not fully understand in its entirety, a history which they had no direct hand in creating.  This reprogramming of our citizenry alone has set the stage for everything that is currently unfolding in our nation right now, particularly with respect to "racial unrest" that is destroying our major cities across the nation right now. When you factor in a dishonest, truth-omitting and biased propaganda-driven media, is it any wonder that the stage has been set for burning down America?! 

The most important thing to bear in mind right now as our cities burn and even our elected officials threaten to  "burn it down" if things don't go their political way, is that we aren't having the honest conversations we need to having with one another in order to set things to right in our nation once again.  Why aren't we having these conversations? Because more than half of our citizenry lack the necessary skills to have these conversations, while the other half have been brow-beaten into a submissive silence out some warped sense of guilt for a past they had no direct hand in creating.  We absolutely must know our past our History, in its entirety, in order to continue to move forward with some sense of pride and a future vision for sterering our nation, but we must also be able to objectively learn from the lessons of our nation's history --in its ENTIRETY!-- such that we can see how truly far we have come!  That is what we are missing in America today:  perspective ... Far too many Americans presently view our nation through the singular lens of "shame and guilt" and dis-empowerment --because of decades of intentional education mismanagement-- and today President Trump took a vital  step toward correcting this imbalance in our education system, with the end-goal of ultimately restoring our citizenry's ability to think critically, to reason logically and to converse intelligently with facts and long-term consequences in mind, so that we can work begin to work together to bridge our divides and heal our great nation.  President Trump also terminated similar 'education' programs in our government service sectors, although I am amazed that it took this long to realize that our government employees were being subjected to this re-education nonsense.

Our nation is presently headed down a path that is antithetical to the founding principles of our nation ... these principle being that ALL people are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights, chief among these rights being the right to self-determination. Which is to say that each of has the right to guide and shape our lives as we see fit --so long as we do not infringe upon the rights of another-- in pursuit of each our own unique ideas as to what happiness means to us.  This pursuit, however, operates under our agreement of "consent of the governed." Where we are heading, however --if we stay on our current trajectory-- those seeking power will move to fill the vacuum created in the absence of a robust and unifying national conversation and in this future, "Consent of the governed"will no longer be required. Our most basic right to self-determination will slowly fade away, as we are forced to relinquish one liberty after another.  Let me take the opportunity here to make  the distinction between Liberty and Freedom.  We as citizens of the United of States of America are NOT FREE to do anything, anywhere, anytime and to whomever we wish.  We willing surrender certain freedoms, under our consent to be governed, while retaining certain essential liberties.  We make this exchange in order to form a secure, prosperous and functioning society, where chief among government's responsibilities is to ensure our basic security from threats both foregin and domestic.  So the lawlessness we have witnessed destroying our cities across the nation these past several months (e.g., riots, vandalism, burning down businesses, looting, assault and murder) is a breach of the contract that we have made with our local elected officials under our consent to be governed.  While the cause of standing up for Black lives may be just, the method and madness currently being unleashed upon our streets in neighborhoods across the nation IS NOT, especially when these protests-turned-riots fail to take into account ALL Black lives, especially the lives of our young and innocent children.

To my way of thinking, President Trump's speech today was his "Abraham Lincoln moment" to be certain.  President Trump's speech was a bold gesture, with a follow-up plan of action, aimed like a fiery arrow shot into the darkness of division and mental enslavement.  The President's words lit the torch of unity and patriotism, illuminating the way forward for reclaiming our nation by taking the first bold step in defeating a heretofore nameless 'enemy' that has for decades now cast a shadow of growing hateful division, that having been left wholly unchecked has now permeated deep within the hearts and minds of of our nation's youth and the ill-informed, malleable crowd-followers among us.  Moreover, this darkness has been distorting truth and stifling free speech --these past few months on an unprecedented scale!!!-- the implications being that if you are white, "you are by virtue of your skin color alone a racist and therefore you must forfeit your right to speech."  This is pure madness and the timing of this divisive unleashing is by no means coincidental; the lawlessness and threats to submit/kneel before a new reckoning 'world order; come just in time for probably the most pivotal election in our lifetimes.  Divide and conquer, right?  Democratic Party Election Strategy 101.  I found it rather amazing that conservative talk show hosts have been endlessly lamenting about the "dangers of losing our American right to FREE Speech" for months now, but it was pretty much crickets from them in the aftermath of this historic speech.  Maybe it will take them a few days to actually connect the dots between this speech and the future of Free Speech in America???  Nonetheless, with his words and by his actions, President  Trump has taken a crucial step toward dispelling the shadow of hateful division that would rip our nation apart at a time of great upheaval and crisis, brought on by China's unleashing of a rather suspiciously timed corona-virus pandemic.  For you must name your 'enemy' before you can have any hope of ever defeating him, or in this instance the ideology "critical race theory" and all of it's deceptive, dis-empowering trappings which hold that America is a "systemically racist nation."  In the absence of a counterbalance, the latter lunacy becomes truth by default.  In the absence of a counterbalancing push-back/force we allow this enemy to  to continually whittle away at the America of our founding.  

For decades now the  misleading and poisonous ideology of "critical race theory" --and all of its sticky trappings (e.g., "place of privilege", "systemic racism", etc.)--  has been promulgated unchecked into our institutions of learning, from grade school on up through higher education in our colleges and universities, with the singular goal of quietly reshaping the hearts and minds of our nation's youth to view their citizenship in America through the singularly focused lens of "shame and guilt." Where this subjective teaching of 'History', by the left, is being/has been accomplished simply by removing  the whole truth of our history from the United States History curriculum all-together.  He who controls speech (i.e., what is taught) controls thought and the left has been patiently laying the groundwork in this respect for decades now.  Today President Trump brazenly announced that no longer will proud patriots remain silent [FREE SPEECH!], powerless and ineffective in the face of this of tide trans-formative darkness.  President Trump threw down the gauntlet and named the culprit at the root of this tide darkness sweeping across our nation: "critical race theory." But equally as important, the President also clearly identified the well-springs of this ideological promulgation, our nation's schools, and he laid out a plan for the eradication of this indoctrination from our schools' curriculum across the nation.  We let this transformation happen, maybe because we didn't connect the dots until now or maybe because we simply weren't paying attention.  The point is, it's not yet too late to take swift and decisive action to turn this tide back in favor of a FREE and just America that values our history and  cherishes our individual right to self-determination.
With his "Constitution Day Declaration", President Trump announced the formation of the "1776 Commission" --a direct counter of light and truth to the dark and hollow, misleading shadow spreading in the wake of the "1619 movement" -- where this commission will study and make recommendations for improving our History curriculum in grades  K-12 throughout the nation, such that all sides of our nation's history will be taught, thereby equipping our children, the future of America, with the information and tools they need to embrace the gift of self-determination .. the greatest of gifts that America has to offer to ALL of its citizens.  With a holistic education, particularly with respect to our nation's history, our citizens will once again become equipped with the vital skills necessary to think critically and logically, while expressing themselves intelligently with facts and a firm grasp on longer-term consequences in order to keep the conversation about where America is heading alive and well, thereby beginning to heal the ever-widening chasms of our nation's divide. The declaration also lays out plans for the creation of a "Garden of Heroes" to honor our nation's heroes, individuals like you and me who although not always perfect dedicated their lives --often with great personal sacrifice-- to forging our fledgling nation that has gone on to become the greatest and longest living example of true egalitarian democracy in the entire history of this rapidly spinning Blue planet.  This garden will serve as a concrete, not so easily erased witness to the power of self-determination and to those who sacrificed so very much to make self-determination the pivotal center-point from which our unique form of government operates.  

The President's speech today marks the moment when the silent majority in America --including descendants of long-forgotten, empty Democratic Party promises-- finally RISE UP, in the absence of fear and coercion, in order to stand with a unified voice to call out the left's poisonous ideology for what it truly is:  divisive and dangerous, designed to weaken us individually and to divide us collectively toward the end of dismantling America, as we know it,  so that the left can rebuild it in their long-desired socialist, Marixst image.  By casting out the left's poisonous ideology we will restart the conversation in America once again, with the goal of healing our national divide and awakening a new vision of hope for America's future in the aftermath of the tragedy in the wake of  Covid-19 pandemic.  "We the People" will band together, rising up with a powerful unified voice, in support of an America that uplifts ALL individuals, protecting their constitutional right to self-determination and empowering them to be the BEST that they can be, regardless of the skin color into which they were born.  Working together, we still have a chance to save our unique nation among nations! 

We will not just spout mere words, however, for words in the absence of action are meaningless!  We will actively work with our ACTIONS to empower ALL Americans, of every Race, Creed, Color and Gender to become the best they can BE!    We can take the actions of investing in education, holding school boards and educators accountable for what they choose to teach as well as what they conveniently omit, fighting to enable school choice so children in low-income neighborhoods will no longer be trapped in failing schools, funding HBUs permanently --President did this!-- investing in opportunity zones, mentoring youth, building homes and volunteering in our communities.  Together we can all work to help each other realize our dreams.   In America, one size does not fit all and you are  absolutely NOT limited as to what you can achieve here merely by virtue of the skin that you born into.  That is the biggest lie of all being peddled by the left, that you are a POWERLESS VICTIM: END OF STORY!  I challenge you to WAKE UP and dare to write your own story!  The only thing holding you back is your MIND, so you must guard it carefully.  You must  actively decide to take control  of your mind --regardless of what you have been taught--  for only then can you be truly FREE:  Own your mind!  The Dream of infinite possibilities awaits, but only if you can find the courage within yourself to awaken and to cast off the ideology of being a helpless victim or an 'ancestral oppressor', as the left would have you believe.  They want you to believe, need you to believe in your victim status or guilt, as the case may be.  They need you to believe the generational lie  "you have been born into a world that limits and constrains you."  The later, the left's message, is a message of pure dis-empowering deceit, it is a MENTAL FORM OF SLAVERY being promulgated toward the nefarious end of weakening us individually and dividing us collectively as a nation, by eliminating any notion individual responsibility or POWER.  Their deceit is what has become systematic, they divide us so that they can conquer.  Now is the time to think outside the boxes they have constructed to contain you!  Now is the time VOTE for the change that will once and for all definitively restore HOPE in America once again: VOTE for President Donald J. Trump, the president for We ALL the People! 

9/20 One last thought, President Trump's actions as President of the United States have shown time and time again that he is the President for ALL people, even those who happen to disagree with him on some issues, even those who did not vote for him (e.g., bringing back millions manufacturing jobs,  renegotiating trade deals, wiping out ISIS, brokering not one, but two Middle Eastern Peace Deals --last time this happened was over 75 years ago!).  This is HUGE to my way of thinking, for I remember well feeling like I had no voice, hope or representation whatsoever during the Obama presidency.  I absolutely will not vote for reactionary-Joe Biden in this respect especially.  Timing is everything, especially w.r.t. to knowing when your time has come and thankfully GONE!  I have to think that recent slips --both Biden and Harris made these slips-- referring to the future "Harris-Biden administration" have actually been intentional, in order to reassure voters that Harris will be in charge.

9/22 I heard on KIRO Talk Radio today, "Dori Munson" show that kindergarten children in a Seattle classroom are starting off each virtual school day with an acknowledgement that they are "living on stolen land" --per a concerned mother who called into the show.  Is that crazy or what?  Not only is this a mis-truth, for many students are NOT direct descendants of the people who took land from native tribes, but this is a form of brain-washing that surely borders on outright child abuse.  Even if there were some nugget of truth in this claim, children in kindergarten absolutely do not need to carry this burden or even to begin to grapple with its consequences at a such a young age.  They just are not equipped to deal with such issues at this critical stage in their development, unless of course the objective here is outright manipulation.  Dori Munson remarked that he's grateful that "parents are finally getting a glimpse of the crap that is being foisted upon our children, day after day."  One upside to whole pandemic fiasco?

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