Thursday, July 02, 2020

Change YOUR BRAIN: Change YOUR LIFE ......

He who controls speech has a stranglehold on thought ... Be careful what you wish for?  I think the time has finally come for people in our nation to sincerely take ownership of their pursuit of truth.  Stopping regurgitating what is being fed to you via the mainstream.  Dare to color outside some lines in order to get at your own version of truth; I guarantee, this pursuit of truth will not only change your brain (use your brain), it will forever and irrevocably change your life --and the lives of those around you-- FOREVER!!

In the aftermath of the loss of two young Black lives here in Seattle city, I find myself heart-sickened and I seriously cannot help but wonder:  If Black lives matter, why don’t the lives of these two young men, 19 year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson and yet-to-be-identified 16 year-old, seem to matter to protesters, the mainstream media and Seattle City leaders? The message being sent by those up in arms, out on the streets protesting and occupying the former CHOP Zone in downtown Seattle seems to be that ‘only certain Black lives matter’ ... Those lives being the Black lives that can be used to advance a political agenda, namely the Black lives who die at the hands of law enforcement officers.  I say this because these two most recent Black lives lost were not taken at the hands of rouge police officers; rather these young lives were tragically, albeit ironically, taken by those occupying the CHOP Zone, the very people protesting because “Black Live Matter.”  Then these same protesters refused to let emergency responders into the CHOP zone to provide timely medical treatment and transport to a hospital.  But no one --outside of family and friends-- here in the Seattle City area seems to be ashamed of this tragic and untimely loss of innocent lives? No one has taken to the streets protesting in the aftermath of the senseless, tragic and untimely deaths of these two young Black men. How utterly sickening and sad?! And the deaths of other innocent young lives spans across the country, most notably in Chicago, Illinois. But the media are not even covering this ongoing tragic loss of  life.

But perhaps the loss of these precious young lives will serve as WAKE-UP CALL to EVERYONE as to the true nature behind the Beast that has now become occupying/”Defund the Police!” movements around the country (e.g., Seattle, Minneapolis, New York City). WAKE UP, PEOPLE!  This movement doesn’t care about YOU! The movement doesn’t really even care about Black lives. Rather “Black Lives Matter” (BLMA) has co-opted your initially peaceful and wholly justified movement (i.e., rooting out bad cops and reforming a system that at times appears to disproportionately take Black lives) in order to advance a radically Leftist agenda --an agenda shared by those on the Left well beyond the scope BLMA!-- an agenda that would see a truly subjugating and warped vision for America come about by way of toppling the very institutions that serve to provide the cornerstone of stability for order in our society, namely law enforcement and local government.  

Make no mistake, without the above institutions our laws and our United States Constitution become nothing more than useless words written upon scraps of ‘paper’, as order will give way to outright chaos. If the radical Left succeeds here, it will become every person for himself, until the Marxist order conveniently steps in to upright the ship they have very decisively and systematically worked to topple over the course of decades, through various vehicles of destruction ... the latest one being BLMA.  And if you thought slavery was bad, Marxism will become the slavery for the modern-day era.  It will reach out to swallow up every man, woman and child of EVERY RACE, CREED AND COLOR until absolute submission to those in charge is achieved. In this new form of slavery, the leaders --those ‘looking out for us’-- will have A LOT and all the rest of us will equally HAVE NOT.  Should you dare to think for yourself or to dissent from the approved thought/order you will be flat-out crushed! And the only people who will have the guns in this Marxist-scenario will be the criminals and the puppets working for those in charge. If you thought a few rogue cops were bad, just wait until you experience the wrath of those in charge of enforcing total submission under this new perverted world-order.  Free-speech/Free-thought will become extinct, relics of a distant past all too soon forgotten.  America will finally be united as we citizens all will equally HAVE NOT, subject to the whims of our leaders (a.k.a. masters) --who by the way will no longer be elected.  How’s that for a new, equitable vision for America?  I mean the irony here is just palpable ... How can people not logically follow the steps: from co-opting protests, co-opting education/thought and free speech/media/social media, on through to present attempts at dismantling law enforcement in our ordered society, right on through to the end objective of outright revolution and an end to America as we know it today?  The United States of America, despite its many faults is one of the greatest, longest lasting models for “consent by the governed” in the entire history of this Rapidly Spinning Blue Planet.  But therein lies the our Achilles heel: our History ....

I truly believe that at the heart of this profound inability of people --particularly younger people-- to process longer term consequences, across the board, lies an intended dismantling of our nation’s history.  That’s why the BLMA movement is out to topple statues and monuments across the nation. They’re not even just tearing down statues of Confederates and slave owners; in their ignorance they are pulling down statues of abolitionist --the definition of “abolitionist”, is those ardently fighting  to put an end to slavery!-- Union Army leaders --those who fought against the Confederate slave owners-- along with other non-racist historical figures (e.g., Francis Scott Key, composer of “Star Spangled Banner” .. our national anthem).  This dismantling of our nation's history is systemic and its been going on for decades, starting in early childhood education, on up through high school and into our colleges and universities.  Bottom line:  If you don’t know or understand your history, not only are you destined to repeat it but more importantly you can’t see just HOW VERY FAR WE HAVE COME since the days of slavery, through the Civil Rights Movements, on up to the present time.

Are we a totally perfect nation?  No we are not; We still have work to do, but most of us get this.  As such, average U.S. citizens are more than willing to roll up our sleeves, to have some serious interactive discussions --not just mono-syllabic, mantra-driven shouting matches-- and then get down to working together to get the rest of this equitable nation-building DONE! --[sadly, the latter don’t seem to be traits shared by our current U.S. Congress ... witness the U.S. Senate's inability to come together in order to pass guidance/ legislation on "law enforcement reform." This thanks to Senate Democrats who refused to come to the table, even with the offer of unlimited amendments!  Senator Tim Scott's initial bill may not have been perfect, but few bills seldom are.  Still Senator Scott's bill could have served as a timely and much needed starting point for further discussion and amendments.  I think, at the end of the day, Senate Democrats just wanted to postpone any true resolution so that they can run on "law enforcement reform" in the upcoming election. ]  That is the true beauty of America, our differences when honored have the power to make America shine! America is not about conformity to the fleeting whims of the very vocal minority.  America is about freedom of EVERYONE --regardless of race, creed or color.  America is about our God-given right to pursue our own unique versions of LIFE, LIBERTY and HAPPINESS.  In America, one size doesn’t fit all!  The Left knows this fact well and that is why their rhetoric is consistently rife with messages of division, identity and disunity.  United, America stands; divided it will inevitably fall.  This is exactly what the extreme LEFT have been hoping and planning for, for decades now and today, now more so than ever, they are so very close to finally achieving their objective??? So then, the question becomes: will you continue to be a willing, silent pawn in their master game? Or will you finally wake-up and speak out for an America that is worth saving!!! Two things can be simultaneously true: 1) Black lives matter (because ALL lives matter) and 2) American ideals of LIFE, LIBERTY and HAPPINESS are worth fighting for.  These two ideas do NOT have to be mutually exclusive ... Philosophy 101. Instead of acquiescence to the will of the crowd, why  not dare to be the lone voice of reason in a crowd gone MAD!

My heartfelt sympathies, thoughts and prayers are with all families who of those who have been injured/those injured and those who have lost loved ones during these times of violent protest and destruction.  May God keep, Bless and guide you all during these difficult times!

Sorry for so many typos!  My hand is much better now, just forgot how to type, I guess???

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