Friday, June 12, 2020

Wake UP, People ... You're ALL Being PLAYED!

Never ceases to AMAZE how sadly predictable people are, on both sides of current issues currently burning across our nation.  Wake up people, ALL of you are being used! ... You're being played.  That which divides us does NOT make us stronger, nor will it ever bring about lasting and significant change.  What do suppose will step in to fill void created by anger, violence, destruction and self-righteous defense?  If you destroy it, they will rebuild this nation in their long-desired image and I've got news for you: it will be antithesis of everything that has the potential to bring out the BEST in America that people across the globe once aspired to.  Let the myriad of visions of dystopian futures dance wildly about in your mind ...  America is truly unique as a nation, encompassing  a wide variety of opportunities to pursue our own individual visions of LIFE, LIBERTY and the pursuit of HAPPINESS on our own terms.  Our collective individuality and the freedoms we enjoy, here in America, are what we should be fighting for ... not fighting each other over our perceived differences; this is a convenient distraction that those on Left often wield --particularly in times of crisis-- in an attempt to seize power and we are letting it work, willfully playing right along.  How sad?!  Let's be honest, we are never all going to agree on everything all of the time, but that IS THE TRUE BEAUTY of our system of governance.  Our differences, when honored, have the potential to make America something truly remarkable!

"You can't start a fire without a spark and some seeking power are using 
this spark to burn fires in the absence of true leadership."

The above being said, we all can rally around ongoing injustice in abuses suffered by African Americans at the hands of handfuls of misguided law enforcement officers.  Too many previous Presidents and elected officials have NOT done enough to provide the strong, centralized leadership needed to begin rectifying this ongoing needless loss of LIFE.  That's how we find ourselves once again reeling in the wake of senseless loss of LIFE and tragedy, with the death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis MN.  Our major cities are burning, rife with rampant violence and destruction as the offshoot of once legitimate and on the whole peaceful protests. Opportunists and those that want to see America destroyed, so they can rebuild it to fit their misguided 'global' ideology, will NEVER let a good crisis go to waste. Leadership in America would do well to bear this in mind for the future! TIMING IS EVERYTHING! .... [6/14/2020 and now another Black man in Atlanta GA, Rayshard Brooks, has lost his life needlessly, again at the hands of police officers who failed miserably in their attempts to de-escalate what started out as a non-lethal scenario.  Legally, in Georgia a taser is is considered a "lethal weapon."  So some people argue that the officer was justified in shooting Brooks "because he took an officer's taser and attempted to use it on one of the officers."  But let's step back and look at this entire situation through the lens of current events.  This whole scenario started out with a man asleep in a drive-thru, does that seem like someone who posed an imminent danger to anyone?  Brooks was cordial, respectful and responsive to officers right up to the moment when the police officers tried to put the handcuffs on him.  Given recent events and his inebriated state of mind, Brooks may have feared for his very life in the instant when the officers attempted to put the handcuffs on him.  This is most likely why Brooks resisted arrest and then tried to flee.  Brooks probably was not in a full right state-of-mind, given his inebriated state.  Now taking the officer's taser wasn't a smart move either, but that being said and given current events I do not think that the correct response for  Officer Rolfe was to shoot Brooks in the back with a gun as he fled the scene.  Let him run himself out and then attempt to recapture him or use reciprocal force (i.e., another taser), but a gun is above and beyond.  These types of decisions by police officers are what people are up in arms and protesting about.  "To whom much [authority/power] is given, much is expected."]

What we need RIGHT NOW, in America, is strong leadership coming from the very top on down in order to initiate, enact and follow-up on much needed reforms for our police agencies across the nation.  Strong leadership can solve this problem, by finally initiating the tangible top-down steps needed to prevent future senseless loss of human lives.  This in turn will go a long way towards helping to put an end to the current destruction and violence sweeping throughout the major cities of our nation.  I sincerely wish this leadership had come sooner; it should have come sooner, as opposed to the predictable pivots towards self-righteousness and strong-arming in the name of the national defense and upholding 'law and order' ... The latter only served to throw gasoline upon the legitimate spark of injustice, because most people would agree that a 'law and order' which allows for the repeated needless loss of Black Lives is, in truth, no longer the 'law and order' citizens of this nation are willing to support.  We demand leadership and we demand timely tangible, meaningful change that will substantively prevent future needless loss of African American/Black Lives.   If the leadership had been there in the early hours, immediately after the tragic death of George Floyd our cities might not be burning? But, I suppose that it is better to have a much needed leadership late, rather than never?????  You can't start a fire without a spark and some seeking power are using this spark of injustice to set our cities on FIRE in the absence of any true leadership.

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