Thursday, May 03, 2018

Dear Mr. President Trump ....

Please do not acquiesce and give into the partisan demands of the Robert Muller Special Counsel to have you, the President, interviewed in person.  Answer the questions --the legally credible ones-- in writing, but DO NOT consent to any face-to-face interview.  I have seen the future of such a scenario in repeated dreams/visions and be certain that no good will come of this meeting.

The end goal of this so-called "investigation" at this stage in the game does not appear to be justice for the "We the People",with respect to true collusion with the Russian government for the purposes of interfering with our election.  If the latter were truly the end objective of the Special Counsel then Robert Muller would be willing, after nearly a full year and half, to investigate the other side of possible collusion (i.e., The Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC, both of whom funded the "Trump Dossier" which contains unverified allegations based on Russian sourced information via Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS).  Muller would also be looking into why this unverified dossier was subsequently used as the basis for a FISA warrant on a U.S. citizen loosely associated with the early Trump campaign.   Thus far, however, Muller's wide net has only been cast in the Republican direction, despite compelling evidence to look elsewhere, which to my way thinking points to a rather partisan attempt --largely aided by a biased media and a 24-hour news cycle-- to delegitimize Donald J. Trump's presidency. After a year a half, however, the Muller investigation has not found anything credible upon which to build a case with any legs.  This when the case for collusion with Russians on the Democratic side seems rather compelling, but I suspect the Muller team won't be looking there --into Hillary Clinton and the DNC-- for Justice is not really their end-game.  Having made no compelling case against the Trump administration thus far --aside from entrapment of General Flynn and the like-- I suspect the Muller investigation would gladly settle for trumped-up obstruction or perjury/"lying to the FBI" charges, in absence of provable collusion, knowing full-well that with the aid of liberal congressional members and a dishonest media they will be able to spin their 'findings' into whatever it takes to "impeach 45."

How much time and money do the American people have to spend before this investigation is finished?  In my humble opinion this one-sided, myopic investigation has gone on for nearly two years without producing any credible evidence of collusion on the part of the Trump administration.  Moreover the ongoing shadow this partisan investigation casts onto the day-to-day operations of the current administration and its ability to act, both at home and abroad, on behalf of the country at large is wholly unacceptable.  In any other place and time such a prolonged miscarriage of justice would not have ever been allowed to continue without question or deadline.  I suppose that's where a fully functioning Attorney General would come into play??? In the absence of the latter:  What's Plan B?

My high school-aged daughter did the math and by her best estimates with the amount of money "We the People" have spent on the "Muller investigation" to date we could have paid for full four-year public college scholarships for an estimated 1,040,000 U.S. citizen students. Now that would be money well spent, with a guaranteed return on our investment.  In the absence of any credible evidence to date, don't we have to ask if OUR money could be so much better spent elsewhere???  Would a citizen petition do any good here, I wonder?  How about a letter from part of America's future?

At least two sides there are to every truth?  I am left wondering how can there possibly be anything remotely resembling justice for the American people when those responsible for conducting the investigation are only willing to consider one side of truth???? It would seem as if Justice is no longer merely "blind" in present-day America.  Justice is now crippled and on her knees, but a mere shadow of her former self.  I suppose this is the end result of nearly a decade of effort toward the end of weaponizing both the FBI and Justice Departments.  The deck is now stacked in favor of a predictable outcome?

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