This post (page) contains ongoing news, emails and other info from the organization
Repeal Petition Update Email - www.repealitnow.org
"February 3, 2011
Dear Petition Signer,
In normally balmy Florida, this year's frigid arctic blast didn't stop Federal District Judge Roger Vinson from ruling ObamaCare unconstitutional.
That now makes two federal courts that have ruled this legislation a gross overreach of federal power. In all, 26 state Attorneys General have filed lawsuits to erase the destructive HealthCare Act.
But that didn't stop every Senate Democrat from voting against Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's repeal bill yesterday. In a straight party vote, 51 Democratic Senators offered a colder shoulder to the American people than this winter itself. It is government arrogance on full display and without apology.
It's not over. In fact, we're just getting started. Even deaf Senators will hear us when, together, we produce a full throated roar that this law WILL be repealed.
We're not going to wait two years for the U.S. Supreme Court, which may rule to repeal. We're not going to watch the federal budget (and our healthcare and pocketbooks) further damaged as China buys up more and more of our debt. We must do what needs to be done -- force Senate Democrats to vote for repeal.
Can it be done? Yes.
We faithfully delivered more than half a million of your petitions to an already willing House of Representatives and the public display of citizen support the day before their vote helped drive the point home that we want this disaster repealed and we're not taking "no" for an answer. Our strong and visible delivery the day before the House vote translated into a much stronger attitude by Senate Republicans.
The Senate, however, is obviously going to be a tougher nut to crack because of the razor thin Democratic majority. But don't believe the White House or Senate liberals when they glibly (and dishonestly) declare repeal impossible. They don't want citizens to focus on the fact that 22 Democratic Senators are up for re-election next year and are already looking over their shoulders because of the election results last November.
This is why (and how) we can break the tie between the House and Senate and do it so strongly that a veto by Mr. Obama is what becomes "impossible". It is proper (and needed) that this law be repealed by popular demand instead of done away with--eventually--by the courts.
It takes millions more voices in unison demanding outright repeal. It's why we've launched the largest grassroots campaign in the history of the country. We're the only campaign taking to the TV airwaves and it's working.
Our high point so far has been 31,500 petition signatures a day. And, for every person who joins us ten more come alive to the possibility that the American people will actually be heeded by Washington. Wouldn't that be a nice change?
Our goal -- and our media buying strategy -- is more than 50,000 new petitions to the Senate signed every day. We can do this and we're on our way.
Thank you for keeping the faith and thank you for helping restore the voice of the American people. Without us, the country is lost. With us, we can put our great nation back on track.
Ken Hoagland, Chairman,
PS You've helped us and we're grateful. If you wish to increase to the size of the next wave of TV ads just click HERE to add even a modest contribution to our media fund.
There is another way you can help, too. Go to our Facebook page, and click "Like" to join the discussion.
Facebook: Repeal-It-Now_
Paid for by Repeal HealthCare Act
P.O. Box 12956
Pittsburgh PA, 15241, United States "
(Email from Ken Hoagland, Chairman of http://www.repealitnow.org/)
"Week of January 24, 2011: Repeal focus shifts to the Senate
After Repeal It Now delivered 530,000 names to House leadership, the House of Representatives voted to repeal! Now the battle shifts to the Senate, where we must fight to bring a successful vote for repeal to the floor...
Hours before the State of the Union speech last night, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell offered an amendment to repeal the HealthCare Act that will bypass the refusal of Majority Leader Harry Reid to schedule a vote!
If taken today, such a vote would fail--along party lines--but we can change that outcome with massive public pressure. We must immediately signal the Senate that there is overwhelming support for repeal.
You helped make this call for repeal powerful in the House and that has now translated to the Senate. Help us get the job done for the sake of the country.
In the aftermath of the historic House vote to repeal the HealthCare Act Washington pundits and liberal politicians rushed to the cameras to claim it was merely "symbolic".
It wasn't.
In truth, this was their way to deflect the will of the American people and convince some citizens that any further effort would be wasted. It didn't work.
We have the power to convince more than 20 Senate Democrats who will face re-election that the will of the people must be respected.
It's up to us.
The TV ads with Mike Huckabee and Mike Reagan helped us raised 660,000 petitions. We presented more than a half million of your petitions to House leaders the day before the House vote to repeal! We bought low cost TV time to reach the most people we could in the shortest amount of time. To raise this many petitions in such a short time is nothing short of amazing. Thank you for helping us.
We're just getting started. Now we must raise at least five million petitions almost immediately. It's a big job but we can do it.
We ask you for contributions only so we can get more TV ads on the air, reach more people and gather more petitions--and momentum--for outright repeal. Your dollars go right into new television ads and a growing tidal wave of pressure on the Senate. This is how we get it done!
We are producing New ads focusing on the Senate as you read this and will on the air by early next week. Please help us buy more air time and massively turn up the heat on Democratic Senators now by clicking HERE.
Thank you for standing up for our country.
Ken Hoagland, Chairman
PS. Even if you can't afford a contribution you can still help. Ask five friends to sign our petition at: www.repealitnow.org. Now is the moment we must stand up and be counted. Please pitch in.
Paid for by Repeal HealthCare Act
P.O. Box 12956
Pittsburgh PA, 15241, United States "
"January 6th, 2011
Repeal Report
News, notes and updates from Repeal HealthCare Act
TOP STORY »First Repeal Petition Delivery Scheduled
Vowing to obey the will of the people, new Members of the House of Representatives promise a vote to repeal the HealthCare Act on January 12th. Your Repeal It Now campaign has been asked to begin delivery of petitions the day before this historic vote.
“We will be bringing 500,000 petitions to the steps of the Capitol. Our petitions will include the names and hometowns of all of those who have joined our massive petition drive,” said Ken Hoagland, chairman of the campaign to force immediate repeal.
“We anticipate that the mainstream media will dismiss this House vote as merely ‘symbolic’ because of resistance by the Democratic majority in the Senate,” said Hoagland. “Far from it, we will make sure that this vote is not ‘symbolic’ but the first step in our tough battle to make our elected officials actually represent the wishes of their constituents. There are many Senators who will be looking for other work if they ignore the legitimate demand of Americans to repeal it now,” said Hoagland.
News reports may cover the first of many petition deliveries and other grassroots advocacy tactics planned for coming months. “We will keep turning up the heat, degree by degree, until we see this destructive bill -- and insult to our democratic process -- erased from the books,” said Hoagland.
Want to write a comment or share this article? Visit our blog @ http://wp.me/p1ddNO-3O "